Via the Salamander Underground - check out Ed Driscoll's interview with Mark Steyn about his new book After America: Get Ready for Armageddon
I don't care if there is a CDRS mention anywhere - the important thing is that word is getting out.
Fast forward to the 9:10 point and he starts talking about the Navy's Diversity Commissariat.
I couldn't have said it myself - it on page 168. Go to the link to the book above and near the middle of the page is the "Inside This Book" search block. Just enter "Navy", you can read it yourself.
Nice legacy Admiral Roughead. It is always nice to leave such a target of scorn and shame on the back of our Navy. Nice.
I love how has no idea how he got on their mailing list. Did the front porch do a little email campaign? If so, lets send it to Charles Krauthammer or Tony Blankley, guys that write inside the Beltway to put the fear of God in the rarefied star wearers that promulgate this racist crap and perfume themselves around the poltical, ruling, class in that drained swamp. It is time for a little information dominance or honesty, if you will to be shared with the American people. Hey Americans, this is where your tax dollars are going. Not working ships, not kick ass weapons but racial quotas and sensitivity training. Once again, I have to check all the sensitivity trainging blocks before I pick up a weapon.
I am reading ADM McCraven's book and when he discusses the raid on Saint-Nazaire, he mentions how effective the small arms fire was that came in from the Sailors manning the rails on the ships in port. My first thought was, "Do we train our Sailors sufficiently to do that anymore?" Honestly, how good is our small arms fire? Let's say they decide to send a suicide/commando raid into Norfolk and they make it to the water front. How good is our ability to fight back?
I literally sat back in my chair when he began talking about Wells' Time Machine and the Eloi. I have used that analogy for YEARS. Going back to sitting in classes in college with the one-worlder idealogues.
I have often quoted the passage about us becoming "as cattle in the field, knowing no enemy, and meeting the same fate". Perfect description of the American Left, then and now. Manifested these days by the granola crunchies with their "Coexist" and "War is Terrorism" bumper stickers.
I always said that the most dangerous thing in the world was a sailor with a handgun....dangerous to himself and people standing next to him, rarely dangerous to the enemy!
But on the other hand if you want to lob large missiles at pesky folks who are annoying you, a group of sailors are just the sort of folks to make that happen.
Small arms fire? Not unless things have drastically changed.
did I get you the coexist sticker I picked up at work? It's a bit more truthful.
Train them properly and they will not be as scary. The MAs that support me when I go out to sea have not had a negligent discharge. I saw one in Guam and that damned M-60 came from Bahrain to San Diego to Guam w/ a round in it! WTF?! It was discharged in the armory and went up and out through the roof w/ no casualties luckily. Gunner's Mate 101! Check the damned weapon and prove its condition before handing it over or accepting it.
Yeah, loved that one.
We have time and money for all manner of "diversity" training, conferences, awards, nominations, posters, advertising firms, you name it.
But not enough time to make our Sailors proficient with small arms.
What's that tell you? Congratulations, Admiral Roughead. You are the leading Eloi.
oops, resent it.
<span>I always said that the most dangerous thing in the world was a sailor with a handgun</span>
<span>It hasn't always been that way....</span>
<span>(Now... Back to evaluating the "Source Diversity" of potential vendor applicants...ISYN...If you are in a business run by a Black, Paraplegic, Blind, American Indian, Jewish, Muslim, Latino, woman ...preferably LB and or T...Then you will have a guaranteed job for life!)</span>
I'll just have to pick up a copy of the book and read the transcript of the interview, if one is available. I can't stand listening to Mark Steyn's half-British (or whatever the hell it is) accent for more than about a minute before I develop a nearly uncontrollable urge to dig my eardrums out with an icepick. On the odd occasion when I'm in the car between 12 and 1500 Eastern, it seems like he's invariably guest hosting for Rush...which results in an immediate QSY back to XM71/"Siriusly Sinatra".
Same goes for that screeching Mark Levin. Fine to read, can't stand listening to him. Call me shallow, I suppose.
We have a "blind" guy that runs the diner in the bldg. When he first came in, he made a point of bringing the money to his face and looking REAL hard to figure out the denomination. Now that he is in and fully entrenched, amazingly, the money must have brail on it now. That dude is all over it! But, he got the contract on a disabled favoritism. That dude is richer than any mo fo on that facility!
One of our sonar techs almost got the lot of us thrown of the firing range after he pick up his weapon and I mediately fired a round into shelf right in front of him. Scared the shit out of everyone.
<span>And some wonder why folks decry the lack of discipline and basic warrior knowledge of our Sailors?
Once again, time for the political training objectives, but not the military ones.
A Global Force for Good.</span>
URR, today's eloi are worse. They VOTED themselves into their situation. (And the rest of us morlocks.)
Every day I tune in to see who the culprit is for our bad economy. Every day Pres.O comes up with a new one. (I guess he was told to stop mentioning Pres. Bush). So today it was the Arab spring that has kept us from balancing our budget. And a divisive congress. (He didn't explain to the schmucks clapping for him in MI why he didn't do anything for the first two years with a Dem. congress. but I'm just being a nitpicker I guess.)
I think we should have a running list every day of who gets the blame of the day for our slave status and inability to generate new jobs. Oh, yeah... he is demanding the morlocks start building highways. He never said what happened to those old shovel ready projects of yore either. I thought by now all the highways and bridges would be built. Wasn't that what the Porculus bill was about?
BTW, you'd probably enjoy Evgeny Zamyatin's "We" which gives his unvarnished view of The Collective. (As an aside, he was a Russian naval architect. Icebreakers seemed to be his specialty. Wonder what he'd have to say about a whole genre of Naval officers marching in lockstep and refusing to admit design flaws in a current (ahem!) ship....)
I like their bumper really simplifies things ;)
I received intense training onboard CV-60 in small arms usage. Immediately afterward I was deemed Inport OOD worthy by hitting the ocean on 6 consecutive firings.
You hit the ocean from the ship every time? Wow. :)
Yeah, that was my training aboard the FFG (now not so much a G), so I spent the money to go learn to shoot. I was embarrassed by my lack of training. I still need more, but hopefully will get it before I really need it.
If you really need to, venture up Vermont way and we can work on a few things.
Rubber meets the Road and Truth to Power... HE IS SAYING SIMPLEY... WE ARE ALREADY LOST!!!
He is laughing at us not with us... we are pussified.. the US NAVY BLACK ENGINEER OF THE YEAR is SPECIFICALLY called out by a Civilian NON US citizen as a canary in the mine shaft.... WAKE THE F)()@ UP AMERICA!!!
Our Admiralty are idiots...
Well, relax, loss of the empire doesnt mean end of the world, ask Brits and French!
On a posit side, you didnt have any colonies in Africa, so less immigration from there :)
And the real trouble would be if people started to go to Mexico seeking jobs... Might seem not likely to happen, but even as I write some Germans from the still-stagnated ex-communist East are moving to Poland to seek jobs. Same with Japan/S,Korea...
I'll advise you to read the letters from UK, China and Greece on the US debt crisis at the WaTimes website... made me laugh!
riverine forces seem to well versed in the rites of small arms, it seems... guess not having the big guns/missiles to toy with has forced them to embrace the weapons they have :P
I don't have the time/leave to spare. I would love to but just can't squeeze it in around all the other stuff that needs handling before I skee daddle.
OR..... we could go to the range.... you can come too, Byron! Might do you some good to eat something besides catfish and crawdads.
You guys make me giggle.
*spits coffee at computer
hahahahahaha, Byron.
we should have Pick on Yankees Fridays.
Wikipedia says both are correct, you! 'Tain't even a FISH, dammit! It's a crustacean!
All that cayenne pepper has burnt out your noggin! :-P
Here's another hint: A catfish ain't really a cat, neither!
Byron, I think "Mr. Probably Calls It a CRAAAYYYYfish" is making fun of southern diction.
I wish they were idiots, MTH. They are far worse, those pushing this corrosive crap. They are moral cowards of the first magnitude. And hypocrites who insist on constant lecturing from on high to those of us who aren't buying.
These are men I would not want anywhere near my Marines when the shooting starts, because they haven't sufficient fortitude to do what has to be done.
I think they may even be linked way back when to arachnids. That could be horseshoe crabs, my biology was pumped and dumped as soon as I passed the class, excpet I remember that Good Seasons Italian and Tabasco makes a good Kingfish marinade before grilling.
Either way...
They are still "MUDBUGS"
precisely why I will attempt to steer my Son to another profession. I simply cannot trust his life with these feather merchants.
<span>in the sixties the standard 1911 45 cal national pistol championship at camp perry was traded back and forth between an army sargent assigned to west point and a senior chief electronics technician stationed aboard Bryce Canyon AD36.
<span>Lt. B
seek out the nearest diabetic, one that uses insulin.
the srynges that they use to inject the insulin, all have little orange cover caps and they each have hundreds of the things that they have to throw away. i believe that they would save them for you and your GM's can place them in the breechs of the hand weapons to prove and open/mt chamber.
just delivered by the news feed:
I kid you not, exactly what says on the tin can...
It gets tougher and tougher to tell the difference between Iran's news agency and Dick Durbin....
iran is warm and fuzzy. What are you talking about? Ron Paul told us last night that Iran should have nukes and they aren't a threat and we're hurting their national pride and all their neighbors have them and if we'd just leave them alone they'd behave and to keep from butting in all around the world and we started their violence in 1953 and the mullahs are all our fault and... (I dunno what else he said. I had to leave and get an aspirin for my headache. It scared me this man wants to be president and he's so misinformed about the 12th imam and Shi'a apocalyptic stuff.)
Judging by the applause Paul got in the crowd, he's got a lot of support in his view that Iran can be trusted with nukes.
I am sure the Israelis were thrilled. Yeah, Ron Paul talked himself out of ANY chance that I might vote for him ever.
He probably would have said the same thing about Hitler. Europe was none of our business. Makes you wonder how much he was channeling Taft.
Besides, our oceans will protect us....
I was going to compare it to handing out steak knives in the violent ward of the nut house, but I think you nailed it, ewok!!
I suspect Iran is already Armed with Said Nuke.. seems some cruise missiles from Ukraine were "lost" a couple of years ago... I believe the Iranians are using them as bargaining chips.. not tin foil.
Ron Paul is actually the only one up there I can trust... he demonstrated the same opinion George Washington had about messy entanglements with treaties and allies.. Not saying I dont support Israel because I do, but at least Congressman Paul has a plan and he isnt selling Israel down the river, he is saying we need to stay out of others affairs.. a strategy, I am warming up to... just saying....
And Which of these so called "Republican's" are going to stop Iran from aquiring a Nuke? None...
This one....
the cruise missiles in fact can render costly BMD, useless, along with "unconventional warhead delivery" aka smuggling them in... and they are whole lotta cheaper than ballistic missiles.
oh, smaller and easier to conceal too...
someone called for containerised Klub? :P
the whole situation with nuke-armed Iran is a nightmare fuel - no, pardon my bad pun, weapons grade nightmare fuel!
my estimate is Iran is trying to build up enough warheads to vaporise Israel regardless of BMD and that would be in my estimates around 30-50
and the worst thing is, like Peenemunde raid, that against determined weapons program best possible result is delay (but hey, we managed to inflict regime change on Germany before Amerika-rakete was ready!)
Hell, I know the state of MY weapon. Everytime I pick it up and strap it on, I press check. I don't need no fool needle cap thing to tell. Just check the damned weapon!
that is funny right thar! I agree Paul needs to reevaluate certain positions before I can go flank speed and support him. He is wrong on the Israel support but he also has stated he supports them and Obama was was telling the Israeli's they need to change their international borders. Pauls position as he stated was one that we shouldnt tell another country what to do. Of course he would be under enormous pressure to support Israel but if the CONGRESS declared a War against any Nation, as is required and directed by the Constitution, then Paul as President would have to accept it and lead as Commander in Chief... not that hard of a concept for me to understand, Iran and Israel aside...
I do recognize Iran is evil and I would support any congressional declaration of war against them... without reservation.
pretty good tactics if that is their aim... they wont be thinking stragically though, Israeli response would be close to MAD... (not the Alfred Nueman magazine, the other concept).
Question, is now IF Iran nuked Israel, would the US have the Political will to reply with like minded Nuclear exchange? What would the West Options be? Water cannon and Rubber Bullets, (AKA Sanctions?)
tough nut....
"<span>would the US have the Political will to reply with like minded Nuclear exchange?"</span>
Obama's "removing ambiguity" from US nuclear policy has several in the Middle East, not least of which is Israel, betting we don't.
BHO's "removing ambiguity" was really "removing backbone". Which his invertebrate CJCS backed 100%.
Israel has enough nukes to bring about 30 millions dead in Iran easily... US isnt needed for that. The only problem is that wont revive people in Haifa or Tel Aviv. MAD could not work against mesianic leadership wanting to invoke Islamic equivalent of apocalypse.
Disagree, ewok. It has been the only thing that has worked so far.
it worked against communist regimes that didnt exactly believe in afterlife... let alone Islamic's martyr afterlife with 72 or so hurises...
What I see is a lose-lose situation - a preemptive strike infuriates muslim world, precipitates assymetric revenge and only slows down the nuke program, doing nothing (because sanctions are mostly nuisance) is guaranteeing nuke-armed Iran even sooner... and MAD has much lesser chance of working that aginst Soviets or even North Korea. And the secondary effects (possible Saudi, Egyptian and Syrian proliferation) will make situation even more unstable than India-Pakistan standoff, which already a few times was at a brink of multimillion-casualties nuke war. With short ranges involved compared to US-Soviet confrontation, warning times measured in minutes and general lack of sophisticated command and control structure, it is recipe for disaster.
ewok, your comment about cruise missiles rendering ballistic missile defense impotent is unfounded. Many of the same radar and lethal object discrimination principles hold fast between the two, even if the track is hypersonic.
Back to the books for you. No dessert!
but neither PAC3 or SM-3 are optimised towards NOE flying cruise missiels especially if stealth tech is used on cruise missile (and given newest chinese fighter soon stealth cruise missiles should be on the market)... radar horizon, NOE flight profile mean best defence are good fighters like F-22 (oh the one we slashed to 120 or something?)
So Israel should capitulate? No win? Huh. I disagree. They can screech about 72 virgins all they want for public consumption, but the ones pulling the strings likely understand that immolation awaits them if they set off a nuclear response.
Crawfish, crawdads i call em supper.
Besides depends on how your twang sounds...
URR, I disagree, with MAD working just finely with mad regimes - look at the Gotterdamerung Hitler plunged his people with or nearly realised operation Ketsu-Go of Japanese Imperial forces... Had the Japanese had the nukes in 1945, they would not hesitate a moment to make exchange til both sides were smoking ruins. And even "rational" Soviets came closely to exchange with US at least twice, Cuba and mid-80s when Reagan fuelled their paranoia enough that at least once Andropov has mistaken NATO exercises for preparation to 3rd WW.
Israel should not capitulate , even if only because that would not help them in any way... But solid investments in civil defence are at least on order, with shelters and all. BMD isnt infallible, there are ways around it (Swiss business jet flying in to Israel anyone?) All of this makes me shudder, but the business of military is preparing for the worst case scenario. Build up BMD, civil defence, and deterrence is pretty much in place with credible and potent Israeli second strike capability. And hope someone in Iran loves his children too.
In the long run best hope is that theocracy grip on the Iran won't last forever. But it can take decades unless opportunity like 1989 in WarPac happens...
So I will ask again: What, other than the threat of near-total destruction, has prevented Iran from attacking Israel directly?
It really isn
't that hard. Honest. (Phib, You got to get a better blog pkg or an old farts edition. Jes sayin).
One: go earn the ribbon yourself. Wear it, talk it up. "Shucks, it wasn't that hard, really." Go qual as a range master if you don't have a Chief from any of a number of places, upper peninsula of michigan, small town georgia, texas, etc., etc. If you do, send him.
Learn to scrounge, or send the Chief (see above). Range time, ammo, targets, etc. Armories are like lending libraries with a little sweet talk, coffee and sugar.
Train on safety and handling and range procedures, assuming total ignorance, before you take them to the range.
On the range, keep the choke chain tight. SAFETY FIRST and IN ALL THINGS.
Make up a nice p13. Present it and the ribbon publicly. Invite the spouses and sweethearts (one or the other, not both). Take picture of significant other pinning on while Chief looks on proudly. Send to base paper. Stay out of the picture and the paper yourself. It's about the sailor's achievement above the norm. Give the Chief a nice letter of commendation once you get a goodly number of sailors qualified. Then its his brag and his baby.
Convince the XO to convince the Captain to convince the commode door it was his idea. From behind the curtain, smile.
Bob's your uncle and Bluewater is your grandpa!
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