Our guests this Sunday, 26 SEP from 5-6pm to discuss will be Dan Darling, and James S. Robbins.
Dan Darling is a military markets analyst for Forecast International, an aerospace and defense market research and consulting company based in Newtown, Connecticut. He covers the Europe and Middle East defense markets for Forecast, which involves analyzing everything from national defense budgets and military force structures to geopolitical and economic trends. He also writes a column in the World section of The Faster Times online newspaper. His work has been cited by Defense Industry Daily, the NATO parliamentary assembly, Small Wars Journal and has been quoted in such publications as The Financial Times, Flight Global, National Defense Magazine, Arabian Business and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. He's also contributed commentary to Defense News regarding the frozen conflicts in Moldova and Georgia and attempts by the European Union to create its own defense body.
Our second guest will be returning friend to the show, James S. Robbins, Senior Editorial Writer for Foreign Affairs at the Washington Times. Jim has a new book out, "This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive." and that will be the focus of our discussion. He is also the author of "Last in Their Class: Custer, Pickett and the Goats of West Point," and is a political commentator and contributing editor for National Review Online.
Join us live if you can, and pile in with the usual suspects in the chat room during the show where you can offer your own questions and observations to our guests. If you miss the show or want to catch up on the shows you missed - you can always reach the archives at blogtalkradio - or set yourself to get the podcast on iTunes.
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Hey Cdr, Sir
What happend to all those commenters, did they ALL drop of the face of the earth or is something borked with the comment system?
I keep seeing 0 comments on almost every post here.
Thanks, Oliver
I was wondering the same thing.
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