Change a few words around - and it might sound something kind of like this. I am sure that with slight modification, the initial combat systems software review by your standard issue OSC for LCS and DDG-1000 will go like this as well.
Standard Kristen Warning - it is in SailorSpeak.
4 hours ago
Gee, I need to get one of those. Oh wait, I think I already have one.
What a great and accurate review. Although I wish they would really tell us what they think.
Now I just have to figure out which piece of electronic gear in my system they're talking about.
I got one in 1993 when I bought my first PC: a Packard-Hell.
Let's talk about that impossible to open packaging! It's EVERYWHERE! You know those coffee creamers that you have to pry the little foil crap off of to open them? They should have used that glue to put on the Space Shuttle tiles. We never would have had that shuttle disaster if they had. (I stab it open with a knife saying "Take THAT Coffeemate!")
(Practicing for the day when I'm old and arthritic and they find me starved to death in a corner because I couldn't open my food.)
All of them.
For a minute, I thought it was a documentary showing my reaction to the latest useless f'ing POS automotive scantool I bought, or perhaps a bootlegged advertisement for a new Comcast, er, XFinity "service"...
Leatherman. Accept no substitutes, except possibly a good quality (*not* Wal-Mart!) pair of Lineman's pliers, or a 6-8" pair of dikes...
Haven't yet seen any permasealed plastic able to withstand any of those tools.
Shoulda bought a the CDR.
Rather than a SPAWAR issue, I thought the problem with the ships mentioned were due to LSI issues and letting the contractors make too many decisions. The whole 'business knows better' mantra. Since that's proven not to work so well (hello BP!), we're pulling a lot of the acquisition positions back in house.
I alway aprreciate my warning, but in this particular case it was pretty clearly a "not-for-Kristen" item. :)
As a SPAWAR employee, I take great offense to your crude "humorous" attack on SPAWAR; if that is what it was intended to be. If you had a legitimate complaint, there are plenty of ears here willing to listen to the issues. But the generality of your base rant is unwarranted for the majority of us not directly involved in the little project you had with someone(s) in our Command.
Dude. Life is short.
I prefer Gerber Multipliers, myself.
I looked those up, Scott. Edward Scissorhands would hurt himself with those things! Scary things. Yow!
(Correction... they'd find me with a severed thumb artery bleeding AND starving to death, unable to open my food.)
Good job with the friendly fire, pal. We'll be sure to work extra hard for you.
Like SATCOM? Like C2 apps? Like JTIDS? Like knowing where you are when you're in the middle of the ocean? That was us.
You're welcome.
Geewizz you guys have a thin skin. Like DB said, lighten up Francis.
You protesteth too much.
I remember at the time the media was making fun of Pres. Nixon (well, over just about everything), but the specific thing I remember was that he was reported as being seen by someone trying to chew the cap off an Rx bottle. My reaction was "who hasn't wanted to do that?"
Did you note on the video where it said ONN? Onion News Network?
Navy Humor. If this bothers you, you'd never make it as a P-3 Bubba 8-) .
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