After Iowa and New Hampshire, South Carolina is arguably the third most important State. The Democrat Party owns the Legislative, Executive and some would argue the Judicial.
The Democrats in South Carolina had a Primary for the Senate race against Sen. DeMint (R-SC). With ~60% of the Democrat votes, in a friendly interview: BEHOLD!
A couple of more videos of him here via HotAir.
4 hours ago
He ought to get along famously with that other idiot in Congress, Corrine Brown. Thanks, South Carolina, for confirming that your voters are as brainwashed as the ones in MY congressional district. And before you ask, when I moved to my district, right after I married my second wife (after She Who Must Not Be Named), I had a different congressman, the only Democrat I would have willingly voted for: Charley Bennet. A finer gentleman and statesman as you'll ever meet.
Strikes me as a Democrat. That je ne sais quois.
Makes a guy wanna break out in song!
Go to Drudge this morning. The chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus is demanding an investigation into election fraud, and is hinting that the Republicans put this tool up to embarrass the Democrats (yeah, I know, sounds like someone is hitting the mushroom tea a bit hard). Not only that, but this idiot (I'm not a public speaker, but who in their right mind wants their state to be made the fool of over this puppet?) is up on felony charges. Got to love that Democratic state mach...parties.
One more: For the love of God, who picked out his suit?
Another example why universal suffrage is a bad idea.
This is the natural result when the stupid and uninformed have the vote.
Butch, I know it's hard to believe that a lifelong conservative would say such a thing, but voting restrictions have an ugly sound to me. They were used for a long time to deny the right to vote to minorities and silence their voice in the voting booth. While I tend to worry about people who have no idea how the political process is supposed to work as set down by the Founding Fathers, I also strongly affirm their right to have a voice in the process.
I think the remedy would be to overhaul our schools so that before they become voting adults, the children are steeped in the rights and responsibilites of an American voter. And BTW, you can include my wife in this category as she had no clue who the hell BHO was and voted for him because "he isn't Bush". I still won't let her live that one down ;)
And yet, they keep blaming Bush for all the things going wrong in BHO's term. Huh. I didn't know Bush was running against Obama. Keep pinging on her and keep ducking after. :)
Hey, he'll fit right in with that other Democrat in Congress who is worried about Guam capsizing from all the men and planes we stationed there.
folks will vote for him strictly for the color of his skin.. that IS what the Diversity Directorate wanted all along right?
HOW is this tool gonna be able to articulate himself on the floor of the Senate? How could he read a bill?
Who the hell is he?
Crap I should have run!!
Byron, it is not hard to believe that a lifelong conservative would say that voting restrictions sound ugly. I are one too, and I am sick and tired of the false idea that conservative = racist.
I would restrict the right to vote to those with skin in the game: tax payers. Plus Heinlein: veterans.
Remember, democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
It does not matter.
OJ could have won that nomination, with the knife in his hand.
Don't be dissing Mr. Greene, now!
Maybe I’m alone in this opinion, but I’m starting to feel sorry for this guy. No, I’d never vote for him, but it is very telling about the media the way they are barely concealing the mocking tone of their voice as they interview him. I was disgusted by that liberal on FOX (Smith) as he was almost laughing at the man during the interview. Why didn’t anyone in SC interview him before the vote was held? We tell kids that anyone can run for office. This guy believed that line and filed papers to run. It is one thing for us goofs to mock him on the internet it is another thing altogether for supposedly professional journalists to mock him during an interview. Then we have a moron congresscritter demanding an investigation. Investigation of what? Why can’t this guy run for office? He at least has the guts to try. How many of us say we could do better than the morons in office but never get off our backside to run because we don’t think we’d have a chance.
Get him a decently programmed teleprompter and he'd be good to go.
That's the point... the newsmen have teleprompters to give the impression they are intelligent. This man may be very different off camera. Who cares. I have a bigger deal with the possible felony stuff. Gives new meaning to the term Yellow Dog Democrat...
Whatever his issues, this man is not media savvy and no one has worked with him to bring him up to snuff. Tells me lots about the D apparatus in that state.
Us happy folk in IL only sold our Senate seat to someone of similar ability. His only requirement was to show up and do as told, so he did. And the guy who sold him the seat is currently on trial on federal corruption charges. (Should tell you something about the Land of Obama).
As I said, IL laid claim to that first! Oh, and in the upcoming election, to our left we have the state comptroller whose family bank failed because of decisions made while he was still there, and on our right, our bold and brave Naval Reserve Intelligence candidate who seems to have forgotten that Honor is a valued concept in the Navy. At least SC's former gov only went "hiking on the Appalachian Trail".
He seems like the type of guy who would be concerned about Guam tipping over if III MEF was based down there...but we all know no one like that could ever make it into Congress...
Cool...After all the questionalbe voters from the ACORN registration drives and dead people of Democratic party, the Democrats now willing to investigate voter fraud.
Dunno...sounds to me like some voter fraud is more equal thatn others....
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