Sweetie .... you are way out of your league.
48 minutes ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Did I understand her properly? She's a member of an organization that is hosting a Hitler Youth week? Does this organization get support from UCSD? It wasn't that long ago that I was at UCLA and I don't remember anything like Hitler Youth week. Even on campuses that are full of empathy for the Palestinians, it's hard to imagine Hitler Youth week going over well.
She was trying to be sarcastic.
It is, in fact, a simple yes/no question.
For some more links between the Muslim Brotherhood (to which the MSA is a branch) and the Nazis, see here:
pics of Muslim SS troops here:
I'll take your word on it but I'm personally not clicking on it for fear of ECHELON tagging me!
ah, but they are good Jewish sites too! ;)
heh... Echelon. Skynet awakes.......
Truly classic. Mental midgets should never attempt to engage in any conversation that requires at least one functioning brain cell. She should stick to a script like, "Would you like to supersize that can of intellectual woop ass?"
Horowitz, at least according to the article I read about this incident, had referred to a week that the MSA had organized as Hitler Youth week.
That's affirmative. It was not a joke. MSA has done that in a couple of places. Imagine if it was a white student group that did that?
I enjoyed Horowitz' duel of wits with an unarmed opponent.
Sally, the "terrorist" part came from the pattern on the kaffeyah: that chainlink pattern has been taken by the Palestinian organizations as a kind of national symbol. If you look at any old pics of Yassir Arafat (rest in hell), he'll be wearing the same pattern.
Just a shemagh or kaffeyah by itself is no biggie: bedouins wear them, SAS types wear them, hikers do... it's kind of like a t-shirt; it's not the shirt itself but the swastika on the front that makes it a symbol.
Note to self: Do NOT annoy Byron. :)
Thanks, guys. I think all of you are right and putting your three comments together helps to better understand what is going on.
Dude, I'll party w/ you ANY day!
But Kristen, if you do, If I were you I would shave my beard off. ;)
Yeah, why Phib calls her "sweetie" is beyond me. As my Dad would have said, she is uglier than a bucket of a55holes.
A Southernism along the same lines as "bless her heart."
Ignorant Yankee.
That's a first for me... expressing approval for someone setting someone else afire.
See, up here we say what we mean. To wit, speaking as would the friends I grew up with:
"Jee-zus Bobby, Ahh'd hate ta be tha bahhhstid who drew thaaht straw forra blind date! Her ugly mug could melt the ice in the Gahhhden!"
Well, it's not that we don't say what we mean. You just need a translator 's all......
After all, one should never surrender one's own dignity when informing someone else they're a (fill in the blank). Sometimes it's a charity to let someone know they fall short of the mark. ;)
No Way! Get outta here! CAIR and our political leadership doesn't support this so I just can't believe you or my lying eyes. /snark off
A study in moral contrasts:
During the holocaust, the Nazi government took great pains to hide what it was doing to the Jews. While historians debate how much the average German citizen knew about the holocaust, the fact remains that the actual policy of the Nazis was to hide and obfuscate the reality of what it was doing to the Jews, precisely because they knew it was morally unacceptable.
In contrast, Hamas, Hezbollah, the MB and the lady who Mr. Horowitz addresses in this clip are more than happy to proudly march to the nearest microphone and procalim loudly their intent towards the Jews. This act of publically pronouncing their intent shows that they have less moral sense than Nazis.
Madam, as always you are right. I amend my comment.. "Bless the cat loving macrame Bitches Heart".
See I am from the south as well.
Put slightly differently, in the words of Oscar Wilde,
"A gentleman is never unintentionally rude."
I have heard a similar quote attributed to the British but can't find a solid reference.
As do I. "Jee-zus, Bobby, maybe she ain't as hideous as she looked when she was runnin' her pie hole at Horowitz!"
I am afraid that is the best the crowd west of Route 128 (where monsters be, ask Maggie) can do.
Lt. B, I'd bore you to death. Seriously. I'm very much a live and let live kind of guy. Mess with mine, or my "tribe", you'll get a blast of gass. You only get to threaten them once.
Salty Gator'
Historical Note: The Indian Swastikas rotated in the opposite direction from the Nazi symbol. And the famed 45th "Thunderbird" Inf Div originally had the Indian Swastika (yellow on red) as it's Division symbol to reflect the Division's S.W. origins--was obviously.changed with the rise of the Nazis, but still reflected it's S.W. US origins by choosing the Thunderbird and retaining original colors.
You mean within 128 (or somewhere in the 413 area code). Folks in between is what got us Scott Brown.
Trust me, I'm in that *really* blue city with the Pike running through it. You know, the one trying to welcome Gitmo detainees?
DB, I believe that approaches the definition of "diplomacy," wherein an insult is phrased as a compliment, and a compliment phrased as an insult... :)
Is it just me, or is that young woman at least second-generation American? Her speech patterns and intonation denote someone who grew up with American English.
So is she second-generation Arab/Muslim, trying to reclaim some sort of heritage, or is she yet another clueless suburbanite WASP grasping at "authenticity" at any price?
Paging Jane Fonda....
Stupid ...twit...
Yep, the coolest thing you can do in college is to show sympathy and find common ground with America's enemies. That includes a fair number of professors, and is one of the symptoms of the disease our educational system is suffering from.
One of the reasons I have fundraising appeals from UCLA on auto-delete is their (the UC system's, really) support for all kinds of whackjob (IMNSHO) student outfits. Another group they seem to love without question is MEChA (spit).
While I was at UCLA (sometime around the end of the last Ice Age, IIRC) I specifically avoided Bruin Walk during the student organization "open houses/recruiting drives", mainly because I didn't want to have any negative interactions with the UCPD due to one of those asshats swearing out a complaint for assault.
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