Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sarkozy: lost in Arabia

I guess he is better than Royal would be as President of the Republic.
"We must invest in the Arabic language (because) to teach it symbolizes a moment of exchange, of openness and of tolerance, (and it) brings with it one of the oldest and most prestigious civilizations of the world. It is in France that we have the greatest number of persons of Arabic and Muslim origin. Islam is the second religion of France,"
France does have the history. The tomb to the right is in Paris at Les Invalides; AKA "Napoleon's Tomb."

It isn't Napoleon's though, but off a wing and of Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey (November 17, 1854 - July 27, 1934) was a French general, the first Resident-General in Morocco from 1912 to 1925 and from 1921 Marshal of France.

The picture is from the Salamander archives (yes, I have been to Paris quite a few times - love the place and, seriously, the French people).

The Arabic writing is roughly,
Here lies F., inhabitant of France in Morocco, and who never in his life forgot to respect Islam.
So, not too far from the French norm - but that was when Muslims were French colonial subjects OUTSIDE France proper. Different context.

Interesting times.

Hat tip The Brussels Journal.