Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The future of Jihad in Europe

The Germans keep getting lucky.
The arrest of two Muslim extremists at the Cologne-Bonn airport last week shows that German converts continue to volunteer for the jihad. Investigators fear that some are on their way back now that they've received training.

It was Friday morning, shortly before 7:00 a.m., and all passengers had boarded KLM flight 1804 at the Cologne-Bonn airport. The small Fokker 50 was ready for takeoff. This particular Friday was a special day for devout Muslims, being one of the last days of the holy month of Ramadan. According to the literature distributed by radical Islamists, anyone who completes his journey to Jihad during Ramadan will go straight to paradise. At least two of the passengers -- Abdirazak B., 24, and Omar D., 23, both Germans with Somali backgrounds -- were aware of this.
According to a classified BfV report, over the past few years 50 extremists have slipped out of Germany with the aim of going into hiding in the Afghan-Pakistani border region and learning the trade at terrorist training camps. Some of them, like Sadullah Kaplan from Langen and Cüneyt Ciftci from Munich, were killed in the “holy war.” Others, like Fritz Gelowicz and Daniel Schneider, who were arrested last year and convicted of planning an attack in Germany -- part of the so-called "Sauerland Group" -- are serving prison sentences.
Still others, like Eric Breininger, 21, and Houssain al-Malla, 23, are apparently on their way back to Germany. Last week, Breininger became the new face of Islamic terrorism in Germany. On Thursday, the country’s Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) launched a nationwide manhunt for Breininger and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Officials fear that Breininger, who received training in Pakistan, wants to return to Germany to carry out an attack.

The young man from the state of Saarland in western Germany is one of the latest converts to radical Islam -- and a difficult one to see coming. He played soccer on the youth team of Borussia Neunkirchen, styled his hair with gel, and went to tanning salons. But then he became radicalized virtually overnight. In early 2007, he was working for a parcel service in Neunkirchen where he met a colleague of Pakistani descent who wore a long beard and was enthusiastic about Islam. Breininger was delighted. He embraced the new religion and tossed his cross necklace into a river.

“That’s when he started to change,” recalls his sister Anke. She says she tried to confront him when he dropped out of business school in May 2007, “but I couldn’t get through to him anymore.” Breininger is “a very impressionable person,” says one investigator, “who could have just as easily ended up with the neo-Nazis or Scientology, if he had fallen under their influence.”

One day he told his relatives that he was no longer a German, but a Muslim, and that the Germans were all infidels, including his own family.
Good luck with your converts to the Religion of Peace. Scientology is a cult though, huh? Nice culture the "refugees" are bringing in for 'ya there, Germany. Nice to see the fact you won't join the full fight in Afghanistan is buying you all that love.