A Navy frigate had to be helped into port along the coast of central Argentina on Friday, where the ship remains pending investigation.Hail call Byron and all my spies. Anyone know more details?
Lt. Cmdr. Jon Spiers, a spokesman for Naval Forces South, said the frigate Samuel B. Roberts experienced “engineering difficulties” May 11 while U.S. and foreign ships were wrapping up the annual UNITAS Atlantic exercise off the South American coast. Spiers would not confirm the ship ran aground, but noted tugboats pulled the ship into port at Puerto Belgrano. There were no injuries onboard, he added.
“The incident occurred inside the channel leading to Puerto Belgrano less than a mile from the port. The U.S. Navy is investigating the cause of the incident,” the spokesman said.
Did and OHP drop another rudder? If nothing else, our Sailors will have good liberty.
Hat tip Springboard.