Thursday, May 24, 2007

Post Card from Hell

Just one question and one statement - then I will let you bask in this little bit of what we have subjected ourselves to. There are logic and reality holes in here you can drive a truck through, but I just don't have the energy. This is only the last three paragraphs of a long email - which makes me wonder;

Question - between drafting such emails and attending the meetings - how does a certain person at NAVSEA get his primary job done - you know, focus on NAVSEA's core competancy? Must have an outstanding work ethic; I guess.

Statement - RDML (Sel) is actually a CAPT. RDML (Sel) is not on any paychart or ranking structure I have ever seen. There is no O6.5. Nor is there a O4.5, 5.5 etc.

Chief Select I do recognise, because they earn it while they wear it....but that is just me.
-- This week is also a designated "Lean Week" at headquarters. As you know, this is now a monthly event. Some of the key Lean events include: a CLIN 5000 Tools Working Group Rapid Improvement Event, a SEA10 In-Processing event, and two Value Stream Analyses for the Virginia Class submarine program.
-- Right in the middle of Lean Week is Lean Six Sigma Forum on Wednesday the 23rd. This event is perfect if you've heard about Lean Six Sigma, but don't really understand what it is or how it applies to you? It kicks off at 0900 in the building 197 auditorium, and there will be Lean exhibits and displays in the adjacent light court from 1100 to 1330. Thanks to the NAVSEA Workforce Advisory Board for hosting the event. Come see the great things going on at headquarters, our Warfare Centers and Shipyards, and find out how the Navy is moving to make continuous process improvement a way of life.
-- Then on 1 June, I will serve on the SYSCOM Panel at the Navy's Inaugural Lean Six Sigma Symposium at the National Conference Center in Lansdowne, VA. The Navy leadership is committed to Lean and it shows with the slate of leaders who will be attending, including the Honorable Gordon England, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Honorable Donald C. Winter, Secretary of the Navy, and Dr. Delores M. Etter, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development & Acquisition.

Thanks for another week of service to NAVSEA, the Navy and the nation. Have a great week!

RDML (Sel) Jxxx Mxxxxxx
Not in my UIC, thank Neptune!