Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Senator Kerry’s Form 180

At long last, Senator Kerry signed out his Form 180 to release his military records. Powerline had them first, and go there to look at them. Fairly straight forward. Funny thing is where he sent them. There are three Form 180s out there, each having Senator Kerry's long lost/hidden records sent to different places.

  • 20MAY05 to Michael Krimish at The Boston Globe (hard to tell, the Senator’s penmanship is, well, not up to Yale standards)
  • 26MAY05 to Glen Johnson at The Associated Press
  • 06JUN05 to Steve Braun at The LA Times

    Mmmm. I didn’t see Fox News there anywhere.

    As a recidivist Staff Weenie and Admin Queen, just want you to know you are not going to see anything shocking here. A Form 180 just authorizes the release of records. No news will come out until the people that receive the records go through them. Looking forward to seeing what they find….