Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Gunner Palace out on DVD

Time to talk about Gunner Palace again. Head over to Mudville and place your order. The DVD is on sale, and this movie gives something back.

From USA Today:

Most DVDs begin with a harsh anti-piracy warning from the FBI. Gunner Palace, a documentary that depicts the lives of young American soldiers in and around Baghdad, starts differently.

Released on video and DVD Tuesday, the film from director Michael Tucker greets viewers with a note of appreciation: "Purchasing this video helps military families."

Tucker and the film's distributor, Palm Pictures, have teamed up to support the Fisher House Foundation, a group that offers affordable lodging to more than 8,500 families annually when soldiers are being treated at major military and Veterans Affairs medical centers.

Greyhawk interviewed filmaker Michael Tucker here on the opening weekend of Gunner Palace. He talks about Iraq, the blogosphere, and controversy surrounding his movie.
Like John at Argghhh!!!, I didn't see it because it didn't make it to my theater either. My order is in.