Thursday, November 17, 2011

Diversity Thursday

So Chief .... busy on deployment? Feel like a warfighter in pursuit of life, liberty, and all that threaten it?

What? No? Bad collateral duty? Are you a meat-gazer? No? What?

There is something worse? Oh, Shipmate. I'm so sorry.
-----Original Message-----
From: [redacted], James M. AEC
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 4:41 PM
To: CVN-72 Chief's Mess; CVN-72 Wardroom
Subject: FW: DEOMI EO/EEO/Diversity/Cross Cultural Competency News
Highlights 7 October 2011

CVN-72 Leaders,

The attached and forwarded e-mail is information and a newsletter from DEOMI concerning pertinent topics of Equal Opportunity. Recommend that all leaders have a good understanding of EO competencies and project EO in their everyday leadership roles. This is quality information for all leaders at every level and I intend to share this information with you as I receive it. Please, give the information a review and see how you can use the information in your leadership arenas. Thank you!

Very Respectfully,

James M. [redacted]
CVN-72 USS Abraham Lincoln

-----Original Message-----
[redacted], Bryan S Civ USAF AFSPC DEOMI/PA
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 7:57 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: DEOMI EO/EEO/Diversity/Cross Cultural Competency News
Highlights 7 October 2011

This email is best viewed in HTML

Good morning,

As part of DEOMI's endeavor of disseminating pertinent EO, EEO, diversity, and Cross-Cultural Competency information, our library staff has developed various avenues for DEOMI faculty, staff and practitioners in the Field and Fleet to become aware of the "current issues" that affect our mission of equal opportunity and equal employment opportunity training, education, and research. One method of accomplishing this is a weekly document created by our library staff we call EO/EEO News links which capture stories concerning subject matter that our EO and EEO professionals may be interested in.

Note: For ease of navigation, the PDF file now contains internal bookmarks to all the sections and individual articles. To access the bookmarks, click on the second icon down in the vertical panel on the left side of the screen.

If you elect to share this e-mail with your peers in the field or your respective Service headquarters, the attached file can also be accessed on the main page of DEOMI's public Website at by clicking to the right of the headline that says "Click here to read Current EO/EEO News," or go directly to the link within the Website at: We are also keeping and archive of past issues of this document on this page as well.

It is our hope that the articles will help all of us capture "current issues" to share with others to ultimately become more aware of equal opportunity, equal employment opportunity, diversity and culture issues in the news. Our goal is to better educate ourselves and others to further our mission of equality and fairness for all.

Also, did you know: That you can visit DEOMI's Education & Training Programs link on our Website at:

... to enroll and take online E-learning courses anytime and anywhere? Let your friends, coworkers, family members, your child's teachers, etc. know about this great opportunity. You don't need a Common Access Card (CAC) to login and you can take the courses anywhere. This is a great opportunity to help make America a better place for everyone. DEOMI training officials have announced that another online e-Learning Course has been added to DEOMI's Learning Management System (LMS.) The "Bystander Intervention" course is the 15th course to be added to DEOMI's E-Learning Catalog. These courses are all available to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

The "Bystander Intervention" course provides information on who is a bystander, bystander responsibilities, and bystander situations. The course concludes with strategies on bystander interventions in the moment and after an event has occurred.

Other enhancements to the DEOMI E-Learning courses include: Full audio; student input survey; student demographic survey; enhanced completion certificate; and a reminder for students to update their official training records.

Currently the Learning Management System houses courses on topics such as Group Development; Communication Skills; Listening & Feedback Skills; Communicating Across Differences; Ethics; Socialization; Perceptions; Individual Diversity; Religious Diversity & Accommodation; Power & Privilege; Prejudice & Discrimination; Racism; Sexism; Sexual Harassment, and Bystander Intervention.


Bryan S.
Public Affairs Officer

Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI)
366 Tuskegee Airmen Drive
Patrick AFB FL 32925
(321) 494-
[redacted] DSN: 854-[redacted]
Find us on FaceBook at:
Readiness...Is DEOMI's Guiding Principle