Saturday, November 27, 2010


Now, I don't know if I would call a German Socialist a Fascist .... but that is simply because I have enough of a problem being redundant in my writing.

This has been all around ... and I felt the need to share simply because it does three things for me:

1. Shows the EU Parliament as it is.
2. Shows the best political insults come from Brits.
3. Lets me share with you the, ahem, beautiful Dutch language and entertaining hand gestures.

Mr. Bloom; take it away.

Some think he went too far - maybe, but I would think that he did a great cry for freedom. I owe him beer.

Now - who is calling who a Fascist?

Vote PVV early - vote PVV often; at least for the lady.
Oh ... I almost forgot Nigel. Never forget Nigel.