Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Don't ask me - no one is say'n nut'n

Missile launch 35nm at dusk yesterday off LA and the USN and USAF say "it ain't ours .... "

So ..... ???????

I'm open to ideas. My take - someone made an oopsie.

I would think if it was ligit, DOD would say so. Anyone have a link (not a cut and paste) to the NOTAMS in the Whisky areas off LA yesterday? That might answer our question, methinks.

UPDATE: Via DangerRoom, this sounds about right.
“The aircraft is flying towards the observer; the air over the Pacific is clear, so the contrail is visible all the way to the horizon. This creates the optical illusion of a rocket flying up, rather than the actual situation of an airplane flying horizontally,” Pike tells Danger Room. “The object generating the contrail is moving too slowly to be a rocket; the contrail is not expanding as the ‘rocket’ gains ‘altitude’ — which would be the case as the exhaust plume expanding into less dense high altitude air.”
Here is a question I have for the FAA - why on Gaia's Green Earth hasn't someone, anyone, been able to say, "That is Singapore Airlines Flight 1234 .... "

Do you mean to tell me we don't have the ability to know what aircraft are coming West to East towards our coast at certain timeframes? In 2010? Really?

Take off your AFDB folks; that is the story.