Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Drunkblogg'n the election ...

OK, perhaps drunkblogg'n is a wee bit of an exaggeration as I have an Irishman's liver, but Mrs. Salamander gave me a Magic Hat #9 when I got home from work a half hour ago and it is about gone. We'll see.

So, here are the ground rules. I don't do exit polls. I almost got in a car wreck leaving the COMLANTFLT compound in 2004 because of them - since them I just don't bother.

As a result I am using the spreadsheet from the post below and am monitoring a scattering of online sites as Mrs. Salamander does not approve of non-stop news all night - but mostly I will focus on RealClearPolitics, TheCorner, Battle'10, and just to make Skippy pop a circuit breaker, FoxNews.

So, give me a few minutes to monitor the 7pm poll closing, and I'll get back to you. I'll update with time-stamps. Join in the comments section.
Snort. For some reason there is a hot-mike on the FoxNews page. Someone said about their tech-problems "this sucks."
- 2028: With only 5% reporting in I think we can call SC-1 for Scott. The first of many new Tea Party endorsed Republicans of sub-Saharan extraction elected this go around. FL-22's West, if there is any justice in this world, will be next. Oh goodness, what will the Democrats do now? I guess it is time for them to try to Thomas them. Good luck with that.
- 2031: Beer is gone. Time for a single malt. Too many choices. OK, I'll let commenters decide. What do you think? Most votes by 20:40 is the one. Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban, Glenmorangie LaSanta, Scapa 14 yr, or Talisker 10 yr? That is what is open right now. Place your votes!
- 2050: Scapa is in the glass and that Moonbat Grayson (FL-8) is gone. Senator Lincoln (AR) might as well gone to the theater tonight, she's gone. Rubio (FL) who many of you heard about first here has taken FL Senate. Nice. Other things lining up well with Republicans strong in IN-8/9 and VA-5/9 as pickups.
- 2125: Don't blink, but the Republicans are coming on strong in all the New Jersey races. New Frak'n Jersey.
- 2137: Talisker time.
- 2200: Via Lex on twitter - here is your 2012 preview of enlightened discourse.
- 2225: Did the dishes, walked the dog; poured another drink. Quinta Ruban as MA and CO made me grumpy. Oh well. West is still strong in FL-22 and it looks like this election dominated by hillbillies will result in the return of the Northeast Republican party - tanned, rested and ready with what looks like solid players from NJ, NH, and even perhaps ME. PA too - especially if RADM Sestak is allowed to at last leave the guv'munt teet.
- 2236: Good news via NRO down-ticket for the farm team. Good chance Republicans will have picked up the Alabama Senate and New Hampshire House. The GOP will now control both chambers in both states. These are the sixth and seventh state legislative chambers to go from Democrat to Republican control: NH Senate, IN House, PA House, NC Senate, AL House, AL Senate. BTW, if Sestak wins PA - Toomey should officially go out to pasture in ThinkTankLand. What a goat rope, but give Joe a nod, he doesn't quit; for Joe.
- 2247: More Yankee Republicans on the way. Wisconsin or however you spell that state is going Red in both SEN and GOV. PA, MI, KS, IA GOV goes R. Nice! OK, TN, WY GOV return to the fold.
- 2254: Haley in SC. More racist Republicans.
- 2326: CA, really? Oh well, they'll have to crash and burn. Most of their center-right voters have already left, so this is no shock. Governor Moonbeam returns. Have fun CA taxpayers, all 438 of you.
- 2336: NM GOV goes Red. Snicker. I think it is because she is anti-Hispanic.
- 2342: Your next SECNAV or guy taking too long at the Tee Box - Joe Sestak, RADM USN (Ret.)
- 2355: Gene Taylor (D-MS) and Ike Skelton (D-MO) gone. Time for new blood for HASC ... but sadly ... a lot of intellectual capital is at the bottom of TeaParty Sound.
- 0002: BTW, the BBC has the best maps.
- 0010: As a guy who works for himself, I am way past by bedtime. I am sated. We'll see what happens tomorrow.