OK, perhaps drunkblogg'n is a wee bit of an exaggeration as I have an Irishman's liver, but Mrs. Salamander gave me a Magic Hat #9 when I got home from work a half hour ago and it is about gone. We'll see.
So, here are the ground rules. I don't do exit polls. I almost got in a car wreck leaving the COMLANTFLT compound in 2004 because of them - since them I just don't bother.
As a result I am using the spreadsheet from the post below and am monitoring a scattering of online sites as Mrs. Salamander does not approve of non-stop news all night - but mostly I will focus on RealClearPolitics, TheCorner, Battle'10, and just to make Skippy pop a circuit breaker, FoxNews.
So, give me a few minutes to monitor the 7pm poll closing, and I'll get back to you. I'll update with time-stamps. Join in the comments section.
Snort. For some reason there is a hot-mike on the FoxNews page. Someone said about their tech-problems "this sucks."
- 2028: With only 5% reporting in I think we can call SC-1 for Scott. The first of many new Tea Party endorsed Republicans of sub-Saharan extraction elected this go around. FL-22's West, if there is any justice in this world, will be next. Oh goodness, what will the Democrats do now? I guess it is time for them to try to Thomas them. Good luck with that.
- 2031: Beer is gone. Time for a single malt. Too many choices. OK, I'll let commenters decide. What do you think? Most votes by 20:40 is the one. Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban, Glenmorangie LaSanta, Scapa 14 yr, or Talisker 10 yr? That is what is open right now. Place your votes!
- 2050: Scapa is in the glass and that Moonbat Grayson (FL-8) is gone. Senator Lincoln (AR) might as well gone to the theater tonight, she's gone. Rubio (FL) who many of you heard about first here has taken FL Senate. Nice. Other things lining up well with Republicans strong in IN-8/9 and VA-5/9 as pickups.
- 2125: Don't blink, but the Republicans are coming on strong in all the New Jersey races. New Frak'n Jersey.
- 2137: Talisker time.
- 2200: Via Lex on twitter - here is your 2012 preview of enlightened discourse.
- 2225: Did the dishes, walked the dog; poured another drink. Quinta Ruban as MA and CO made me grumpy. Oh well. West is still strong in FL-22 and it looks like this election dominated by hillbillies will result in the return of the Northeast Republican party - tanned, rested and ready with what looks like solid players from NJ, NH, and even perhaps ME. PA too - especially if RADM Sestak is allowed to at last leave the guv'munt teet.
- 2236: Good news via NRO down-ticket for the farm team. Good chance Republicans will have picked up the Alabama Senate and New Hampshire House. The GOP will now control both chambers in both states. These are the sixth and seventh state legislative chambers to go from Democrat to Republican control: NH Senate, IN House, PA House, NC Senate, AL House, AL Senate. BTW, if Sestak wins PA - Toomey should officially go out to pasture in ThinkTankLand. What a goat rope, but give Joe a nod, he doesn't quit; for Joe.
- 2247: More Yankee Republicans on the way. Wisconsin or however you spell that state is going Red in both SEN and GOV. PA, MI, KS, IA GOV goes R. Nice! OK, TN, WY GOV return to the fold.
- 2254: Haley in SC. More racist Republicans.
- 2326: CA, really? Oh well, they'll have to crash and burn. Most of their center-right voters have already left, so this is no shock. Governor Moonbeam returns. Have fun CA taxpayers, all 438 of you.
- 2336: NM GOV goes Red. Snicker. I think it is because she is anti-Hispanic.
- 2342: Your next SECNAV or guy taking too long at the Tee Box - Joe Sestak, RADM USN (Ret.)
- 2355: Gene Taylor (D-MS) and Ike Skelton (D-MO) gone. Time for new blood for HASC ... but sadly ... a lot of intellectual capital is at the bottom of TeaParty Sound.
- 0002: BTW, the BBC has the best maps.
- 0010: As a guy who works for himself, I am way past by bedtime. I am sated. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
3 hours ago
AP declares Marco Rubio the winner by a large margin
Of all the Florida Congressional districts, only 2 are being led by Democrats (and one of those is that disgrace to legislators, Corrine Brown)
Looks like honor thief Blumenthal pulled it out.
Urp...that was me.
Well, Phib, I don't drink cough medicine so I think I'll stick with my Bombay ;)
OK, I'll pick it myself. Scapa it is!
That was me.
Pretty amazing how red the south counties are...
Some of us are at work...where the only beverage is old -but at least free- coffee...
As this election is by and large a repudiation of King O ...
It may be pertinent to show the results his dumbass community organizing theories have reaped in his hometown.
AS I told a friend who asked me how to vote this morning: If the Republicans moving into the seats of power do the same, they'll get the same treatment as the Dems are going to get. Then I told him his vote was his own, but to chose wisely against those who would take your money and give it to someone else, in return for their votes, at your detriment.
Should be interesting to see what Republicans do when they're in charge of the House and can't just sit and throw stones at leaders. Electing R's now might be the best thing for re-electing Obama in 2012.
Wow people are uninformed. We don't have Kings in the US.
Sweet been listening to the local all news station here in Western WA, KOMO 1000, and the meme as reported by their politico reporter is "Angry voters who hate the President..." are voting out the bums.
Well the hope might be that enough of the Tea Party folks ideas and values have caught on with these folks that are being voted in. Otherwise there is a chance we will see the change of the Tea Party from a protest group to an attempt to become a party like the Reform Party was. There may even be a chance where the GOP or even Democrats might become "history" like some of the other party major parties that use to be out there.
However guest ( your snarky missives sure read like "alpha lost's" -just sayin'), the current denizens of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave sure act like they are blessed royalty.
Remember how much fuel -tax dollar paid for- both King O and Queen Sleeveless burned in the last few weeks crisscrossing the country for stump speeches (yeah they gov't gets reimbused the cost of first class tickets...like that covers anything) when your Dims try to ram through Cap and Tax.
Yes, but the way the media and the meme from some of the progressives is that he is the second coming in 2008 and that he will solve everything from AGW to 8 hot dogs/12 hot dog bun, chicken/egg things.
Very moved by Sen. Elect Rubio's words tonight. That was truly nice to see.
SAP, I've got my fingers crossed for Dino.
I'd love to see the good R(lol V)ADM make a living in the private sector.
Gun control and free cheese...it works wonders for the Windy City.
Had to hold my nose and vote for Dino. He is a smarmy used car salesman type. He's run for too many offices...comes off as kind of an attention wh*re. If he loses, I hope he just goes away. I would encourage Doug Roulstone Capt. USN (ret) to run against Cantwell in the next cycle. He has been a big supporter of the Koster campaign.
I have my hopes for Dino too. The sad thing is that Chatty Patty has been in office for 18yrs and yet she is only the chair of sub-commitee on Transportation, HUD, and other agencies sub committee of the Aporiations committee in the Senate. Even though she is the four highest ranking member of the Senate. That isn't saying much about her abilities when viewed on a whole compared to some of the other Democratic Women Senators out there. I mean she can't even get an upgrade to Foreign Relations or Armed Services even though both are important to the state of WA. So question is have someone that has been infamous for "foot in mouth" disease and not considered the smartest of our state's congressional critters. Or vote in an insider who more then likely got the shaft in the governor's race about six years ago, who although is swarmy might bring some hope back to the state.
At 2018 PST, 03:19:02 Zulu, the local CBS station is reporting that Rossi is up by about 10% to Patty Murray
Magic Hat #9 = What I was fighting for in AFG.
Oh bummer not aw 2038, 0338 zulu; the local media is alternating tween 2% difference in the Rossi/Murray race. I see recounts, I see court battles, I see a repeat of the Minnesota 2008 senate race.
The other thing I was fighting for was the new Mac I got (Probook i7 2.88, 4gb ram, 500gb hdd, anti-glare screen.)
Post above was mine.
Man another bummer, as of 2115PST/0415Z; Jim "I Love Saddam Hussien" McDermott is up 81% to his opponent.
<p><span><span><span>LTC West wins! I was privileged to be able to vote for him and Marco Rubio.</span></span></span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>
</p><p><span><span><span>Prediction; Rubio gives the keynote address at the Republican Convention.</span></span></span></p>
Suspect, Don't hold your breath about Dino going away.
"Baghdad Jim" will never lose in the People's Republic of Seattle.
I thought that Ike Skelton would have to leave the House only when they carried him out feet first.
It will be interesting to see if the White House offers Joe Sestak a position in the Administration. Even 'though he finished better than Specter would have it's not like they owe him any favors.
I know. But I had hope that maybe, just maybe the hate against the incumbantes would have lead to him being lead out on rail and potentially in tar/feathers. OH well
Wisconsin now has a Republican Govorner, Scott Walker, and a Republican Senator, Ron Johnson! YAY BADGERS!
Victory Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI
The Speaker-apparent's remarks I found pathetic. The _President_ sets the agenda in government? What is he smoking?
as I read the news today...
Rep.House goes to the Rep., Senate stays Dem. with lesser Rep.gains... a way to deadlock? pretty possible. Too bad there are real issues to be solved.
ah, and T-800 has been terminated... those who hate California leftists, grab some popcorn and watch the new catastrophe movie "The bankruptcy of a state".
I'm extremely happy to announce that Rep-Elect Chip Cravaack (Naval Academy grad and Navy League member) was chosen over the incumbent James Oberstar in Minnesota's 8th District by just about 4,000 votes, out of 240,000 cast.
It's a great day to be a Minnesotan!
This HAS to be the biggest upset of the day!
Not to mention the monster expedition to India later this week, with several dozen aircraft required to carry everyone involved. I do hope Michelle is proud of her country. Now.
We took the Minnesota House and Senate too, and NO ONE predicted that. The Minnesota Senate hasn't been in Republican hands for 40+ years.
This was an historic sweep.
Congratulations People's Democratic Republic of Maryland, you sent just about all of your favorite Donks back to office...hope y'all enjoy four more years of Marty O'Money, Babs "I am not a troll" Mikulski, and the rest...
A special head-slap to VA-8 for returning that nutjob jackwagon Moran to his seat. Thanks a lot, you Alex/Arlington pinheads.
Food fight erupting in VA-11 between Connolly and Fimian...this'll be the vote-fraud argument until Thanksgiving (or longer) our host warned us about.
and finally...way to go Golden State...welcome back to 1980 and Gov Moonbeam, hope you don't have another Medfly outbreak...pretty much seals it that I'll *never* return to the Left Coast.
Welcome home YN2, or at least congrats for having a successful tour and getting out of the 'stan
Congratulations People's Democratic Republic of Maryland...you sent almost all of your favorite Donks back to their seats...hope you enjoy four more years of Marty O'Money, Babs "I am not a troll" Mikulski, and the rest...
Special head-slap for VA-8, you sent that nutjob jackwagon Moran back to his seat. Thanks a lot, you Alex/Arlington pinheads...
Food fight and fireworks already in progress in VA-11 between Fimian and Connolly...this one will provide the vote fraud arguments until (or past) Thanksgiving that our host warned us about.
...and finally...way to go, Golden State. Welcome back to 1980, hope you don't have a Medfly crisis or anything else that's hard to handle on the plate. That pretty much seals the deal that I'll *never* be returning to the left coast.
As a guy who also works for himself and was up too late, I am up too early.
I see no problem with "nothing getting done" when the something would have been the dismantling of the free-enterprise system and replacing it with Eastern European Cold War-style Communism.
The people have spoken. We will see if the Messiah with the big ears was listening.
Krauthammer said it all. If he at heart is a pragmatist, he can recover. If he is at heart an idealogue, he is finished.
Trying one last time -- last two attempts were apparently eaten by the comment monster.
Congratulations People's Democratic Republic of Maryland...you sent almost all of your favorite Donks back to their seats...hope you enjoy four more years of Marty O'Money, Babs "I am not a troll" Mikulski, and the rest...
Special head-slap for VA-8, you sent that nutjob jackwagon Moran back to his seat. Thanks a lot, you Alex/Arlington pinheads...
Food fight and fireworks already in progress in VA-11 between Fimian and Connolly...this one will provide the vote fraud arguments until (or past) Thanksgiving that our host warned us about.
...and finally...way to go, Golden State. Welcome back to 1980, hope you don't have a Medfly crisis or anything else that's hard to handle on the plate. That pretty much seals the deal that I'll *never* be returning to the left coast.
Congratulations People's Democratic Republic of Maryland...you sent almost all of your favorite Donks back to their seats...hope you enjoy four more years of Marty O'Money, Babs Mikulski, and the rest...
Special head-slap for VA-8, you sent that nutjob jackwagon Moran back to his seat. Thanks a lot, you Alex/Arlington pinheads...
Food fight and fireworks already in progress in VA-11 between Fimian and Connolly...this one will provide the vote fraud arguments until (or past) Thanksgiving that our host warned us about.
...and finally...way to go, Golden State. Welcome back to 1980, hope you don't have a Medfly crisis or anything else that's hard to handle on the plate. That pretty much seals the deal that I'll *never* be returning to the left coast.
Nancy Pelosi affirms the opinions of her with a speech that neither congratulates the GOP nor acknowledges the massive message of condemnation of her (and Obama's) far left agenda.
That ill-tempered strumpet is nothing if not graceless.
Er, now that I have some coffee, I am remembering that it was Giuliani.
<span>Er, now that I have some coffee, I am remembering that it was Giuliani who made the comment.
Based on all the "That was me above" comments, I think there was a lot of people typing under the influence last night. Now wish I was drinking last night.
Good News / Bad News from the northeast. Bad first- you will have a new punching bag in the House for Paches Kennedy's old seat - David Cicilline - what a fraking tool. News will come out next week about how he misappropriated millions from the scanctuary city of Providence that was supposed to go into pension funds. Alas, he is elected to screw up on the national level. He was only able to carry 50% of the vote versus 45% for the (R) challenger. Looks like Cilline found everyone in his district suffering from Optical Rectumitis.
Pi$$ed that Sean Bielat was unable to (how should I word this) beat Frank.
Good news - OK, I have none - sorry. Other than to say that races that were historically not even close were actually pretty close.
Did you think she would act any different?
BTW. I'll bet they won't get it and the excuse for the lack of any progress will be the battle cry 2012, "it's the Republicans fault"!
Lightweight-I was drunk blogging past 2AM (3AM eastern). Noteto self. Beer and courvoisier don't mix well.
I, for one, welcome our new teabagger overlords.
My take on last night:
1) It is better to be lucky than good. Havng a bad economy always hurts the party in power.
2) When you run experienced candidates who can speak in complete sentences they win. When you don't they lose. ( Coates is the winner example, and Rubio. O'Donnell and Angle are the losing examples. Seeing her lose was especially nice. Miller is probably going down too).
3) As I wrote on my blog last night-this election will hopefully provide a safety valve on the pent up, irrational rage that too many teabaggers ( I'm going to call them that from now on as a grand act of defiance) had regarding the President and the 2008. Maybe now they can stop frothing at the mouth.
4) If this election gives the GOP the confidence and ability to put a stake through the heart of a Palin canidacy-then that is the best service that those who lost last night can perform for their country.
It is with a sad heart that I am deleting your site from my RSS.
I am not the bastion of puritan ethics, but I was sorely disappointed by this performance. Your posts have become increasingly negative, cynical, angry, and snarky. I am one that appreciates cynicism and a little gallow's humor, but something has changed in the last couple of months. I am not sure what it is, but I know that I don't like it.
Last night I was ashamed for you and felt like I was reading Miley Cyrus' twitter account while she was at the club. I had already been rolling my eyes at some of the posts in the last months, and last night I finally said it, "This dude has become a joke."
I am only writing so that you know that I feel this way and there are probably a few more out there too. I hope that you return to your professional roots (with some good fun mixed in), tackle hard issues, ease up on the self-promotion, and push though this.
However, it is your blog and you can do what you want. Thanks for the hard discussion and open forum for critical thinking...I miss it.
Look at the bright side-there is probably a better than 50% chance she will resign. Even I would heartily welcome that. She is excess baggage now and she knows it.
Figures-Krauthammr is not that smart.
I thought what was more interesting was his critcism of Washington. From a guy who has been in Washington since 1991. The Glenn Beckish fake tears thing was pretty interesting too.
Is too early to start drinking today?
What is Roulstone doing now? He was XO on Ike when I was on there.
He runs an aerospace company in Monroe, WA.
You know you rage against me about me being angry-seems like you carry around a whole host of anger yourself. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world-and if we hope to get out of the recession, trade with Asia and South Asia will be key. Besides Republican presidents use several dozen aircraft too-its just a fact of life.
Having had some dealings with Windy City folks of late, this article rings quite true.
Tensions have come to the surface after meetings over the past few weeks in which Obama senior adviser David Axelrod discussed communications strategy with senior Democratic strategists and party officials. Some Democrats were so unhappy with the White House meetings, they started their own.
There appears to be a bit of an attitude that, "We Know Best", from some of the denizens, and you just can't tell them any different.
So. I sure hope King O keeps his Chicago buddies like Axelrod around...
It'll heighten the chances of sending them all home in '12.
Missed in the hoopla of yesterday was this development.
Speaking from personal experience, if you got within a 15 foot radius of the smarmy bug killer, you wanted to take a shower...
Sure hope the ebullient Repubs remember why, and how, they got here.....
CDR Salamander is many things, but a joke is not one of them. Your problem isn't with the divergence from his normal (to you) theme of posting, but with the fact that he is celebrating a win for a return to American values and a defeat of Big Governments stranglehold on our nation.
Skippy, refering to Americans who wish to a return to traditional values with a nasty term like "teabaggers" is beneath you...that is, unless you wish to sink into the depths of the very demagougery that you supposedly hate so much. In other words, you have become that which you hate. You're also starting to marginalize yourself. How can I take anything you say seriously when you toss out terms like "teabaggers"? I can't.
"negative, cynical, angry, and snarky..."
But....but.... that's why we LOVE Phib!
You forgot "charming, intelligent, funny and ineffably polite".... just sayin...
As an ex-Californian I laugh at my family who remained in that state.
As a Coloradoan I'm torn...we elected another Dem governor, but this guy owns a brewery so he can't be all bad!
" ..<span>teabaggers ( I'm going to call them that from now on as a grand act of defiance)</span> "
While I might let this deeply childish and offensive statement get under my skin, in the spirit of compromise, magnanimy and reciprocity I shall henceforth refer to you as 'Phibs Teabagee.
Nice! I have the same machine, and I love it...
Now get out there and try yourself some Fat Tire beer! (Or their much better seasonal, 2 Below) The brewery for those is right here in my hometown of Fort Collins
Hell yes, we're angry! How much of my taxes is this little trip to India going to cost me? Did the whole freaking bunch have to go? The POTUS and FLOTUS live high on the hog while we're clipping coupons and eating leftovers 3 days a week?
Can't disagree with you on that one Skippy....and it is always 5:00 o'clock somewhere!
You gotta get yourself some Oban! Of course, I'm biased - I am not a fan of the peatier ones (like Talisker, Scapa, etc...)
That Guest was me - and no, I'm not drunkblogging, it's 0830.
I don'tknowif the tears were fake, but they did remind me of Eugene McCarthy.
<span>That Guest was me - and no, I'm not drunkblogging, it's 0830.
I don'tknowif the tears were fake, but they did remind me of Eugene McCarthy.
Sorry to say, there is no way you could escape getting hit by spray from that one!!!
Byron, let me ask you a question. Why is it that folks of the opposite persuasion are supposed to put up with all kinds of names: asshat, moonbat, communist ( which is a term I find particularly offensive-more so than teabagger or teebaggee.), socialist, the list goes on and on-but it does not work in reverse. People are more than willing here to use those-or worse. Seems there is a double standard in effect.
Guess it is like using a foreign language-you have to learn the nuances of the city you are in. For people who don't agree that the Tea Party is about returning to traditional values ( cause its not) , the tb term is handy one stop shopping for showing your disdain for the "movement".
Just so long as he gentle about it. My skin is sensitive.
Hey-is Sestak out of his House seat now?
<span>Just so long as he is gentle about it. My skin is sensitive. >:o </span>
Is this a great country or what? :-D
There is a lot of truth to that statement-if there was one overriding reason that Obama deserved to lose this one,its that he lost control of the message and was not able to package his ideas into an easily understood format. If they don't get better about understanding that one fact-and understanding the issues associated with that, they will lose in 2012. Its probably good that last night happened-but only if they get some of the other ideas up and in play.
<span> Besides Republican presidents use several dozen aircraft too-its just a fact of life.</span>
However, they do not advocate Tax and Cap while blithely burning those many tons of fuel...
And advocate a scheme to keep this fat greasy sex poodle in his G-Vs, limos, and 20,000 sq ft houses.
I can't believe I'm sayin' this - but yeah Badgers! Want Favre back now? 8-) Just sayin'...............
As long as you are downwind of Harry Reid I guess.
Seeing how I haven't used those descriptions on fellow Americans, I wouldn't know. I have called the President a Socialist, but that's just calling it like it is, especially since that's the party affiliation he had when he was first elected to a public office in Illinois.
Skippy, Yep. He had to give it up to run for the Senate. A Republican named Meehan won the seat last night.
Every black cloud has a silver lining. The term Senator Sestak is offensive even to me. I've got too many contemporaries who had their lives poisoned by that guy. I'll bet he does not become SECNAV though-but ends up following Uncle Vern's footsteps as VP of ( insert name of major defense contractor here).
I have a soft spot for Nevada-Reno / Carson City at least.
Watch for the poop as you step of the porch!
One of the talking heads last night, said the Dems lost because they lost the communication battle. I think they lost because the America people don't like the message regardless of the means of communication. The message is understood and most would rather kick it to the curb than deal with another round of BS. Just sayin'
Skippy, I agree that SECNAV is probably unlikely. If he stays in government another option would be Deputy National Security Advisor (there's an opening, he has experience on the NSC staff, and nobody cares how hard you work the staff over there). Again, it depends on how the Administration views him. Don't forget, he's a Clinton guy who strongly supported Hillary during the 2008 primaries.
Terms like "socialist" and "communist" reflect tthe political and economic philosophies of the people who agree with government controlling the means of production, means of finance, redistribution of the wealth, suppression of private enterprise, statism, and an autocracy that usurps personal freedoms for the aggrandizement of the state.
If you are so offended, you should take it up with Van Jones, Bill Ayers, Eric Holder, Rahm Emanuel, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Arne Duncan, Bernie Sanders, and Carol Shea-Porter, who all subscribe openly to those above philosophies, and have labeled THEMSELVES as socialists, socialist-communists, and in some cases, just communists.
If they are whom you agree with, support, defend, and are political and social soulmates with, then I will call you a socialist-communist.
You are known by the company you keep.
How do you lose the communication battle when your "messenger" is on TV all the damned time? Honestly, was he actually President or was he STILL running for President?
I think she uses BOTOX for her excessive baggage. :)
LT B, Apparently not until last night.
Ender, I wish you well and hope you find a happy place to ponder.
This blog is not many things - among them a single-focus, edited, professional journal. This is a blog. I consider those here my friends, in a fashion. Adult friends with a sense of humor, a think skin, and the ability to give as good as they get. Though we always drift back to the maritime centerline, this blog does drift into areas the host finds interesting. Not to dig in to what has been an election season not seen in generations would be intentional sillyness on my part and not in line with what this blog as been about since 2004. Look over the archives ... it is what it is.
I'm not sure what is any more different than what came before - specific examples would be nice - but if you don't have any, that is fine. It is a choice of a free citizen to wander where they want to. Feel free to come by now and then as you wish - you are always welcome .... even if you left with an insult.
He said that like all those were bad things...
Very few people realized that he paid a high price for what he tried to do.
In your opinion. You will forgive me if I judge more objectively-and on the basis of what they are doing now, not what someone says they did 15 years ago. (Which in most cases is inaccurate). Specifically Holder, Emanuel, Sotomayor, Kagan and Duncan are far from being socialists or communists. And in the case of Sotomayor, Kagan and Holder- the Senate sided with me on the issue.
Your definitions are far too broad. Using your definition, a lot of Republicans could be labled socialist too-all because they prefered not have the economy collapse around them. Nothing that has been done in the last two years is about government controlling the means of production, means of finance, redistribution of the wealth, suppression of private enterprise, statism, and an autocracy that usurps personal freedoms for the aggrandizement of the state.
Paranoia-deep destroy ya!
Good for him!
He can always come here. :)
I suggest strongly, Skippy, that you read some of the publications of the above-mentioned people. In those works, they did describe themselves as those terms, with the concomitant philosophies to match. And you are impressed that a heavily Democrat congress approved Sotomayor and Kagan?
Someone who is 50 isn't to be judged by publicly stated opinions they held at 35 or even 40? Even if their words and actions since then give no indication of a moderation of their views? So Hitler should not have been judged by Mein Kampf. Does Bin Laden get a clean slate in 2015?
You're citing the NYT's as if it's a fact based publication. That rag is so biased every time the delivery boy throws one it hooks.
Skippy, I agree that SECNAV is probably unlikely especially now that Rep Issa is making noises about investigating the "deal" that the White House was offering him to drop out of the race with Specter. If he stays in government, a White House post, like Deputy NSA which wouldn't require confirmation hearings, would probably make more sense. Sestak has served on the NSC staff and nobody really cares how hard the staff there is worked. Don't forget, 'though, he's a Clinton guy who strongly supported Hillary in the 2008 primaries. It isn't like the Obama administration owes him anything.
Actually its a pretty good paper so long as you avoid the editorial page.
Well that's one point of view. A lot of people say the same about: The Washington Times.
Well, socialism is in the eye of the beholder. This is not socialist. These are not socialistic either-unless you are unfortunate enough to believe something Michael Savage says. The only writings I have found on Holder are about the Mark Rich pardon and that was definitely capitalism at work.
It is one thing to say that you do not agree with their interpretation of the law-its quite another claim they are communist. BTW a lot of Republicans voted for these appointees too. Shall I call Dick Armey a Facist-just because he wants to return the US to the 1920's? It works both ways.
Which may explain your predilections against "tea baggers"...given some of the, uh establishments in the area....
Seems I remember that sniffy Harry's mother washed the laundry generated from those places.
Which could go a long way into explaining why he is so ..."sensitive"... now.
Still doesn't excuse him from being an innate jerk though.
Saw a bit of King O's news conference todday...
Cap and Tax is coming, even while he declared he will be spending more time in that 11 tons of fuel burned an hour VC-25 getting -in his words- "outta here".
His '12 reelection campaign was started right then.
Oh, and the tone from the rest of that dog and pony show sure was: "As long as they agree with me, all will go well..."
No kidding Skippy. If he thinks I'm "...<span> negative, cynical, angry, and snarky. </span>" ... boy howdy, he'l LUV your place. :*
Thing is, he is commenting from a San Diego NMCI IP - you would think he would have a thicker skin. Oh well.
I respectfully disagree, Skippy. I think America voted the way they did because they actually DO understand Obama's message finally and rejected it with a roundhouse kick to the democrats at the polls.
C'mon, Skippy... some of those people are so "hot pink" they verge on actual RED. So let's be honest about their intentions and political leanings. We're not idiots here. Don't take us for that.
Oh, skippy, the election really upset you didn't you? You're the only person I have ever seen say Krauthammer isn't smart.
But Badgers always > gophers...
Or what's left of Favre... :(
Coming back to like that one a second time...
It's always 5:00 somewhere Skippy. Knock yerself out.
Sorry... didn't see your reply before I replied. GMTA.
From Skippy's keyboard to God's eyes, please, oh please.
Best o luck ender. Just remember "the enemies gate is down." Lest you become "ended".
Just honest entrepreneurs trying to do their bit to help the economy. :)
My invective is at a much higher plane, sir. Practice the art form with panache and style; surely you can to better than that. Try for at least one embedded pun and a literary allusion. Any thing less would be as uncivilized as an Al Queda finishing school for girls.
I'm surprised it gets through the firewall. Yours is the only blogspot blog that makes it through ours. The rest get the dreaded white screen of "Unauthorized!"
I've never liked the guy.
Thin enough at any rate. Sensitive, mmm, no. More of a expulsion on crockery - bring aboard capability mismatch.
And way too expensive to keep.
I would have never thought it. You have so much common ground (oh escuse me I neglected to shut down the electron microscope). AH, well, best I retract that.
Either one is fine with me.
If he could not get it through the previous Congress, its even less likely now. Why not worry about something that is likely to come up this term? Of course it would cut the deficit to the tune of 333B.
Does he get to double dip on retirement pay now?
Well...Atl east their business model is allll about executing a sucessful "stimulus".
Something thats apparently lost on dear sensitive Harry.
Dear (alien teeth) Nancy Pelosi will just go back to her Napa speread, and beat her illegal workers....
I thought he always got to double dip. Maybe someone can explain the details-but since the restriction on federal workers being able to collect military retirement was lifted back in 1999, he would be able to. Or is there a special law for Congressmen?
SHHHHH....we want their guard down. The charcoal is on the grill, and the root beer is in the fridge.
<span>Thing is, he is commenting from a San Diego NMCI IP - you would think he would have a thicker skin. Oh well.</span>
or a better web anonymizing proxy, anyway... ;)
Yep-we all know that Republican millionaires never use a G-V, they take the bus from place to place. That whole "I have to have a private jet" clause in Sarah Palin's contract is just a figment of my imagination.
The trip is costing no more than any other Presidential trip-and was documented so last night by CNN.
But "Republican millionaires" don't use those cars and jets while scolding the rest of us for not reducing our "carbon footprint", as if every natural disaster is my fault for keeping my house at 68.
No nukes. No coal. No oil. No hydro. No wind. Just how do these people who scold us so intend to have electricity? Or do they want us to be agrarian hut-dwellers, like the good old days before industry?
Wait, wait. Solar and Geothermal. Great for Vermont. 200 days of cloud cover per year, and the necessity of drilling through 1500 feet of some of the world's hardest granite to get to a useful GT ratio. I am sure THAT's affordable, and if not, the US Government will subsidize....
//Rant Off//
The Gore-ocrats and Obammunists are hypocritical and elitist snobs whom would never make much of themselves outside their cloistered far-left coffee klatches.
I don't care who you are, that there is funny!
They'd do better with cheese control and free guns.... :-P 8-)
<span>They'd do better with cheese control and free guns.... </span> 8-)
Skippy, As you may have guessed, there's a special law for Members of Congress (guess which branch of government established it). However, I think there's a minimum time in Congress required (for some reason 6 years sticks in my mind) although other government service factors in as well.
Good to know you don't stereotype people. I was worried for a minute :-P . And you are right-they don't scold us for reducing our carbon footprint. They don't have the time-it gets in the way of cally me a "Lucky Ducky".
Not me, Skippy. Hopw could I stereotype? I am just an "enemy" of the Latinos "sitting in the back". If you think I am making this up, come sit in the State House in Montpelier. If it wasn't my tax money they are pissing away, I would laugh. But it is, so I want to cry.
Skippy is a very strange kettle of fish. Thin skinned, ignorant of political philosophy but was willing to serve his country. Glad, about the last. The rest, not so much.
Now if he could learn to express himself without taking on the language of the moonbat left, he might grow up to be OK.
And, if you don't like leftists being called moonbats, tell your Red friends not to act like they are insane. There a re a few on the left that garner respect, but they don't act like moonbats.
I was about to type out a snippy response-but the S.O. called me to dinner and I was able to think better of it. I hate to break it to you-but 29 years of Naval Service-1/3 of which was overseas has shaped much of my opinions today. If I had never served in the Navy I would probably be of the same persuasion as you. I used to be a die hard conservative and voted R in every election till 2000. I'm a lot more comfortable with where I am now politically than I was then. Whether that is right or wrong-is between me, myself and I. I am just one voice among several. And I would go back into the Navy tomorrow if they would let me-and I would gladly go to a CV ship's company billet (Navigator preferably) and save someone else from having to do that. Now THAT's what's deranged-not supporting someone other than the tea party. There's no other way to explain it. I am who I am -and I like who I am.
My kinda stimulus package! ;)
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