Sorry, I have to, ahem, pile on. Here he is on jobs, listen closely.
It appears that he feels the same way about the military. I'm discussing it over at BigPeace.
44 minutes ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Don't miss the sound effect let go at about 6 seconds. Leaky seal perhaps.
So you know what he REALLY feels about you.
Is that the same Miss Barney Frank who ran Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the ground?
Who's to blame for the massive debt and budget deficits in 2009, 2010, and 2011, leading to the loss of credit rating?
George W Bush, who left office in January 2009.
The few dozen "Tea Party" Congressmen out of 535. Who have been in chambers since January. The ones who told you to stop the profligate government spending. The ones that proposed a $4T debt reduction plan that the Femocrats wouldn't even look at.
Who else? Standard and Poor's. The ones who evaluate debt ratio. They don't know the first thing about economics. Like Geithner and Obama and Joe Biden.
Anyone else? Yeah, the military. Cut military spending completely. And that will leave us with only $1.08 TRILLION in debt. Per year. Those bastards in uniform screwing this country again.
We know whose fault it ISN'T. Nobody in the Democratic Party is to blame, especially in this Administration.
Please... after Sid's picture..., there's only so much one can take in a day.
One end of him sounds more intelligent than the other.
It's official: He's a gasbag.
I guess that's what they mean when they say someone is talking out of his arse.
(Okay, I'm done. I'm sure you all can supply more comments.)
Oh honey. That was definitely the chair squeaking. Baaaahney Fwank hasn't made a fart noise in decades. You could stick a Louisville Slugger back there and not hit either side.
Hey ya'll it aint his fault he cant have the same control as he once did. The seal can only take so much streaching...............
A "reaming" takes on a whole other meaning when Barney Frank is mentioned in the same sentence.
Gives new meaning to the term bloviating. LMAO. He even raises a cheek!!!
Just...pass the brain bleach. Barney on a Stick is not the image I need in my head.
Ya'll are being a bit hard on Barney ... wait ... let me rephrase that ... unnnnn ... nevermind.
All I want it the :02-:05 part looped, put through autotune, and then mixed with a EuroTrance song in the background. That's it.
Sad day for the Congressman from MA...the Congressional Paige program has been ended.
Miss Barney, if he were a straight man, would be UN-EEE-LECTABLE.
He had a homosexual prostitute, with whom he was having an affair (and whom he'd paid for sex), running a prostitution ring out of his house. The number of MA and Federal laws he broke would be tough to count. But, of course, any reference to such scandal, to Steve Gobie, or to sending Miss Barney back to the Massachusetts gay bars, was hateful and homophobic persecution.
Just part of the double standard that exists when there is a far-left liberal who is a member of a politically protected group who is in trouble. How long would a straight male last in Congress if he lived with a female prostitute who was running a prostitution ring out of the Congressman's home?
He stands on the shoulders of Giants... Literally...
Poster child (whoops,...) for term limits and THEN keelhauling. This SOB is what's wrong with America, and, oh, BTW, we can lay much of the sub prime mortgage mess in his lap as well. But then, who would want to get near his lap...I could truly give a Sh1t what this elected a-wipe thinks. //end rant//Yep, feel better!! ;)
This piece of despicable scum should be in jail, not Congress.
roger that!
Guess it is time to pack it in on this one.
Shhhhh thats now Transformational. One must support the part line.
A bunch of Hot Air. . .
Or as Jeff Dunham would say...
On a steeek
The fine people of the People's Democratic Republic of Massachusetts have a long history of electing criminals to Congress. Ms. Mary Jo Kopechne, unfortunately, is still not available to confirm this assertion. 'Tis truly astounding to me that they've completely lost their way from the vision of the Founding Fathers who once gathered there...
<span>Guess it is time to pack it in on this one.</span>
I should just buy keyboards and monitors by the case from Newegg before I visit this site... ;)
<span>George W Bush, who left office in January 2009. </span>
But of course:
President Barack Obama said on Monday he inherited many of the country's problems with high debt and deficits when he entered the White House, sounding a theme likely to dominate his 2012 re-election campaign.
Speaking at a Democratic fundraiser, where families paid $15,000 to get a picture with him (emphasis mine), Obama defended his economic record and noted that problems in Europe were affecting the United States.
They're trying. Sean Bielat gave the purple dinosaur a good run for the money in the first time anyone dared challenge him. Its a bleeping shame up here because they have bought the votes and allegiances of enough people to make removing the incumbent party difficult. Just over the line in RI Govenor Gump was elected as an "Independent" because he had the public sector unions in his pocket. He won with 35% of the vote in a three way race. Sad.
Don't forget to add Chris Dodd to that incarceration list! OBTW, we haven't heard from that a$$hole of late have we? Guess he's finally in Ireland on his estate with that Freddy/Fannie money! What a disgrace (both of them)!
I don't recall Pres. Bush whining for 3 years about the hollow military he inherited and the economic collapse caused by the crash at the end of the Magical Imaginary Clinton Economy (remember watching the stock market fall about 800 points in 15 minutes back in '99?)
I don't recall him complaining that 9-11 attacks and the damage they caused 7 months into his presidency made him unable to keep the country afloat.
He just rolled up his sleeves and managed to keep things surprisingly liquid despite all the problems.
Without whining and blaming.
Gee, I hope his sphincter isn't wearing out.
No worries...
You'll pay for a new one.
My husband told me about this clip and I couldn't believe it. Guess it just proves what a gas bag the man really is.
remember gang this is what its all about.
hey i hear that american style baseball bats are a big seller in jolly old england the last couple of days.
The only people who should be allowed to serve as elected 'Politicans' (House, Senate, President) are those who have served in the Military... aka: Civic Virtue
(read the original novel "Starship Troopers" by Robert A. Heinlein)
Not to hi-jack the thread, but did you guys see this?
Gerbles would be happy: Obama sanctioning the making of a movie about killing bin Laden to bolster his image and help everyone forget about everything else totally sucking right now.
that picture has been passed around the pentagon. apparently it was a real photo and not doctored. The eagle really did perch on the soldier's tombstone. epic.
Oh Snap!! It was just a squeaky seat cushion...
Sounds like a gerbil to me.
Here's more on that, SG.
"Autotune the News" for this one! (see, Hide the Kids, Hide the Wife; Skating on Very Thin Ice; Backing Up; et al)
I don't disagree about the double standard, but I don't think it's got anything to do with left vs. right. It's a function of people in safely D or R districts being willing to forgive a multitude of sins as long as "their guy" votes the right way and dishes out enough red meat to vex the other party. Case in point, David Vitter, who also broke the law and is still in Congress.
I also don't disagree that the left is often too quick to make accusations of hate and homophobia, but those things do exist, and they should be called out for what they are. For example, if you can't talk about a gay man without making crude references to anal sex, you're probably a homophobe (or maybe just juvenile). If you think it's funny to joke about pushing openly gay Marines down stairs, you're not only a homophobe, but hateful to boot.
that would still leave Murtha and Kerry in...
and would exclude Palin!
not good...
There you go with your label machine. Barney Frank is a far-Left Congressman known for his extreme sexual promiscuity. The sexual scandals he has been involved in should have had him censured in Congress. Admitting to paying for a prostitute not once, but on several occasions. Then, dating that male prostitute. And having that prostitute operating a homosexual prostitution ring out of the Congressman's home in Georgetown. Among many other questionable acts and conduct. But censorship won't happen, not because of his voting district, but because of the extreme double standard which allows the Left to do and act however they choose and rationalize it, and immediately label anyone who objects as hateful.
Sound familiar? For the record, Teddy Kennedy was no more appropriate, and in many cases less so, that Miss Barney. Except he wasn't homosexual, only Far Left, and a Kennedy.
I wasn't joking about falling down stairs. Marines have pride in their Corps above and beyond themselves. That is the whole idea. They will deal harshly with those they think bring dishonor to the Corps and the uniform. You can scream and shriek all you want to, but that is the case. It is why they win battles and campaigns.</span>
Go back and re-read the novel. You have made a common error. Voting privileges in Starship Troopers were reserved to those who completed Federal service, of which military service was one option.
Of course a novel about the perils of Federal civil service would probably not be as entertaining...
"Federal Service" was always an unknown to one who chose to opt for full Citizen. You might be Drop Troop cannon fodder, or you might be a test dummy for new weapons. The only thing Federal Service guaranteed you was the opportunity to gain citizenship and a chance to live through it.
"<span>The only thing Federal Service guaranteed you was... a chance to live through it."</span>
Reminds me of VA health care.
"Working" as a Federal contractor right now, I think I might be at risk of dying of boredom while in Federal Service. The lack of leadership throughout the system and the laziness inherent in "jobs for life" is appalling.
Dunno, URR. John Edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, impregnated one of his staff, then used campaign funds for hush money. Can't get much more hetero-normal than that... :-$
Yep, that's the ticket. It would prevent folks like Lincoln, multiple Tafts, Coolidge, FDR (say what you will, he won WW2), Jeane Kirkpatrick, Dick Cheney, Fred Thompson, Condi Rice, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Sara Palin, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Herman Cain. This policy would still have allowed Jefferson Davis, Trotsky, Tito, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, McGovern, Murtha, and Kerry to serve. Let's not forget a those decorated war heroes Mussolini, Goering, and Hitler while we're at it; not to mention a fella named Calley.
This rule neither ensures the meritous nor eliminates the unworthy.
arguably, Lincoln would qualify - he served in Black Hawk war (thought as a part of militia, so not per se federal, but this is nitpicking...) - but yes, Casey about nails it
(smacks forehead) Ack! I forgot about his militia service! Although (IIRC) it was useful mostly for humorous stories while he was in Congress... :)
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