Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Natural, organic & not free-ranging American foreign policy

Regulars here and at Midrats will quickly see why the latest from Jerry Hendrix is not just a "must read," but is a print out, retweet, post, scan as PDF and email kind of article.

Here's a taste to get you to read the whole thing from, America Needs a Truly Conservative Foreign Policy;
A conservative foreign policy for the United States begins with an acknowledgement that the United States occupies a leading position in the present international order and has as its first goal the sustainment of that position and the current international order that extends from it. ... a central core tenet of conservative thought: that human nature is unchanging and that we are who we have always been—warring, competitive and wanting. ... No, conservatives are not isolationists. ... Conservatives do not go in search of dragons. ... Conservatives can have a larger military for less money. ... Conservatives must be mindful that strength can invite adventurism.
That is just a few of the bold faced items, but there is a deeper thread to this article and much that Jerry shares with us.

In his writing there is more than just thinking by a think-tanker, but you can feel a deep respect for our republic, and a deep and abiding love for our culture and all the sacrifice and hard work invested by previous generations. That is why, even if you don't agree with Jerry - you need to read his work at least twice ... and ponder.
Actions must be taken to return to an equilibrium that attempts to maintain the United States’ leading position in the world while not undermining its essential role of supporting individual liberty and national self-determination. Conservatives have a leading role to play, but they must first seek to reestablish a connection with their intellectual base and differentiate themselves from the foreign and defense policies that have wrecked such havoc on the nation and the international system over the past generation. As the great conservative voice, Russell Kirk, reminds us, the United States must recognize that both permanence and change can be reconciled in vigorous society. We must gift to the future the greatness of its past.