Monday, October 15, 2007

Victory in the 3rd Battle of Washington

They were defeated soundly in their assault in 2004, and like the Germans at Prokhorovka, the 2006 assault was a bloody tactical victory - but perhaps a high-water mark.

The 3rd great assault in September 2007 can a month later be called a sound defeat. Throughout the summer, the anti-victory Democrats and Republicans expended their last moral and credibility reserves in an effort
Field Marshals Model and von Rundstedt would understand all to well. How is it going for them?

Well, when
this comes out of the Washington Post, you are starting to look like the 2th Panzer Division at the outskirts of Dinant and Celles.
NEWS COVERAGE and debate about Iraq during the past couple of weeks have centered on the alleged abuses of private security firms like Blackwater USA. Getting such firms into a legal regime is vital, as we've said. But meanwhile, some seemingly important facts about the main subject of discussion last month -- whether there has been a decrease in violence in Iraq -- have gotten relatively little attention. A congressional study and several news stories in September questioned reports by the U.S. military that casualties were down. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), challenging the testimony of Gen. David H. Petraeus, asserted that "civilian deaths have risen" during this year's surge of American forces.

A month later, there isn't much room for such debate, at least about the latest figures. In September, Iraqi civilian deaths were down 52 percent from August and 77 percent from September 2006, according to the Web site The Iraqi Health Ministry and the Associated Press reported similar results. U.S. soldiers killed in action numbered 43 -- down 43 percent from August and 64 percent from May, which had the highest monthly figure so far this year. The American combat death total was the lowest since July 2006 and was one of the five lowest monthly counts since the insurgency in Iraq took off in April 2004.

During the first 12 days of October the death rates of Iraqis and Americans fell still further. So far during the Muslim month of Ramadan, which began Sept. 13 and ends this weekend, 36 U.S. soldiers have been reported as killed in hostile actions. That is remarkable given that the surge has deployed more American troops in more dangerous places and that in the past al-Qaeda has staged major offensives during Ramadan. Last year, at least 97 American troops died in combat during Ramadan. Al-Qaeda tried to step up attacks this year, U.S. commanders say -- so far, with stunningly little success.
What would Sen. Reid (D-NV) and all the Democrat pretenders have to say about this?