Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cry, cry for my beloved country.

Should I laugh, cry, or just yell. I have been yelling about the State Dept. and its lack of desire to join in this war since late '03, smarter people longer than that. WWII was fought and won in the time that State decided to get out and push. Pathetic.

You almost need to Snopes or Onion check this it seems so other worldly in its insanity.
In the largest call-up of U.S. diplomats since the Vietnam War, the State Department is planning to order some of its personnel to serve at the American Embassy in Iraq because of a lack of volunteers.

Those designated "prime candidates" _ from 200 to 300 diplomats _ will be notified Monday that they have been selected for one-year postings to fill the 40 to 50 vacancies expected next year.

They will have 10 days to accept or reject the position. If not enough say yes, some will be ordered to go to Iraq and face dismissal if they refuse, Harry Thomas, director general of the Foreign Service, said Friday.
The U.S. military has quietly but repeatedly complained that its forces and other Defense Department personnel have been pressed into service in jobs that should have been filled by State Department personnel.

In particular, Defense Department employees and service members were forced to fill spots on provincial reconstruction teams for months because the State Department could not get personnel there.

Military officials have complained that other federal agencies _ including State, Commerce and Agriculture _ aren't moving quickly enough to fill critical needs in Iraq. Those agencies, they argue, have the expertise to help Iraqi business people and farmers get back to their jobs and improve the economy.
Colin Powell: guilty. Condi Rice: suspended bust for having pre-Mast conversion.

Hat tip Greyhawk.