Thursday, January 15, 2015

An LCS by any other name is still ....

I feel sorry for Bob Work today. He spent a lot of personal capital exclaiming, "We don't need frigates."

Then this happened ...
U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus on Thursday said the Navy would rename the modified Littoral Combat Ships it plans to build as frigates, given their enhanced capabilities.

"One of the requirements of the Small Surface Combatant Task Force was to have a ship with frigate-like capabilities. Well, if it’s like a frigate, why don’t we call it a frigate?" Mabus told the annual conference of the Surface Navy Association.

Mabus said the new designation would apply primarily to the next 20 such ships to be built but 32 LCS that have already been built or ordered would also be reclassified if and when they are retrofitted with additional weapons.
OK. It could be worse, I guess.

Let's see, the last FF we had was the KNOX (though when we took off the MK-13 launchers, the OHP effectively became FF), maybe we'll do a comparison later.

This makes my day; I'll be laughing at random moments for hours.

Oh, and if you are serious - you need to start with FF-1098.