Any objective review of how we operate and brag about "diversity accountability" shows that to our great shame we continue to act like the KKK - judging people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character while smearing everything with the one drop rule on one hand, and racial self-identification fraud with the other.
While our Nation moves forward in the 21st Century - our leadership and their Diversity Bully tops continue to live in the 1970s.
Via the NYT ... of all places ... we have a perfectly Salamanderesque overview of the challenge the Diversity Industry faces as Americans have grown past them.
The federal Department of Education would categorize Michelle López-Mullins — a university student who is of Peruvian, Chinese, Irish, Shawnee and Cherokee descent — as “Hispanic.” But the National Center for Health Statistics, the government agency that tracks data on births and deaths, would pronounce her “Asian” and "Hispanic." And what does Ms. López-Mullins’s birth certificate from the State of Maryland say? It doesn’t mention her race.America is better today than the retrograde attitude that the Diversity Industry, the CNO, and many (but not all, natch) of our senior leadership have towards race.
Ms. López-Mullins, 20, usually marks “other” on surveys these days, but when she filled out a census form last year, she chose Asian, Hispanic, Native American and white.
The chameleon-like quality of Ms. López-Mullins’s racial and ethnic identification might seem trivial except that statistics on ethnicity and race are used for many important purposes. These include assessing disparities in health, education, employment and housing, enforcing civil rights protections, and deciding who might qualify for special consideration as members of underrepresented minority groups.
But when it comes to keeping racial statistics, the nation is in transition, moving, often without uniformity, from the old “mark one box” limit to allowing citizens to check as many boxes as their backgrounds demand. Changes in how Americans are counted by race and ethnicity are meant to improve the precision with which the nation’s growing diversity is gauged: the number of mixed-race Americans, for example, is rising rapidly, largely because of increases in immigration and intermarriage in the past two decades. (One in seven new marriages is now interracial or interethnic.)
With each year many and many more join us to "celebrate diversity" where we should - in our and our children's DNA. Block checking is not only divisive and sectarian - it is also lazy and inaccurate.
Embrace the 21st Century people - the 1970s were bad the first time around.
Hat tip OTHS.