Tuesday, April 03, 2018

LCS: an Unending, Floating PSYOPS Own Goal

A navy ship represents her nation. That is why throughout history, nations use their navy as diplomatic mediums to show the flag around the world as representatives of the nations they serve.

There is a reason why the phrase "ship shape" means clean and orderly. It is what navy ships are supposed to be. Why? Because they represent the pride of their nation. A ship that is manned properly to maintain herself is also an indication that a ship is manned properly to fight and win at war. 

A nation's warship is often the only thing foreigners see of that nation. The condition, size, seamanship, and the behavior of the crew in peace and war are seen as indicators of their host nation nature and status.

This is fair and it is usually accurate.

But ... again ... we have to revisit this simple concept in light of the dog's breakfast that is LCS. In Monday's comments you sure looked like you were ready for an old school LCS post, so you're going to get it.

The unstoppable rolling failure of LCS must be drawn out from under the pier and gibbetted for all to see on a regular basis. If Big Navy is going to tee up the ball, we might as well take a swing at it. Over and over and over. Unending until the last LCS is sunk towards the end of this century in a SINKEX. Let the entire class be examples to future naval professionals what not to do.

Good googly moogly, just look at her!

Your monthly reminder that the Little Crappy Ship really isn't that little, is quite crappy, and is one nasty looking ship.

The even-hulls are bad in their own right, but here is your newly commissioned odd-hull, USS LITTLE ROCK (LCS 9) - most recently of ice princess fame, at last trying to escape the grip of the Dominion of Canada.

Our friend Chris Cavas has a nice series of pics on her cruising through the mostly ice free St. Lawrence,

I want to draw your attention to this one though;

A decade after the commissioning of Hull-1, not only can we not decide what frack'n shade of grey we want to get underway with - we can't stick with the simple "dazzle" paint job that hides the horrible design of the exhausts.

Again, just look at her.

This tramp steamer sure sends a message about the USA to every port she sails in to, and it isn't what you want.

What is there in this picture for any nation to take pride in? The poor officers and enlisted personnel assigned to these ships. This is not their fault.

The design almost demands neglect. The manning concept is based on no one having time to do anything but their job and a bit of another person's job instead of sleeping. The Navy is so ossified that it cannot to this day ensure that what we know is going to be up front in the face of the world is something our friends can be proud of and our enemies see with respect.

Stop kidding yourself. Enlarge the picture. Look at the soot. Relish the rust. Bask in the poorly patched seems in the superstructure. Zoom in and find them yourself.

Behold the mighty superpower's Navy!

"I met a photographer from the Great White North,
Who said—“Three vast and dank smears of soot
Stand in the St. Lawrence. . . . Near them, on the water,
Half sunk in rust lies, whose anchor,
And ill-shaded fiberglass, and sneer of the minimally manned,
Tell that its program manager well those passions showed
Which yet survive, stamped on these dented things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the quarterdeck, these words appear:
My name is LCS, Princess of Ice;
Look on my Hull, ye PLAN, and despair!
Nothing beside can be made FMC. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level water stretch far away.”
Apologies to Shelley

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