Thursday, November 03, 2011

When you can't rule your coast ...

.... you aren't going to rule the waves.
The Navy normally provides a minimum coverage of a frigate or destroyer fulfilling the role of Fleet Ready Escort (FRE) in order to be able to respond quickly to a potential threat at home or abroad.
However, slashed Defence budgets and the war in Libya has meant there hasn't been a vessel available since the start of October.
The last ship to fill the role, called the FRE, was HMS Portland but that left for war games off the coast of Scotland in October, and it is now having a rest period in Plymouth on the south coast.
The shortage comes after the Government cut the navy's surface fleet to 19 frigates and destroyers in last year's defence review.
Critics warned the cuts would leave the navy overstretched. Since February nine warships have been deployed to Libya, leaving none left to be on hand in the UK.

It is believed the last time this happened was 1982 after every available ship left for the Falklands War.
How is that "1,000 Ship Navy" concept working for 'ya?

Hat tip Bill.


  1. andrewdb09:53

    I believe I've read (sorry no link) that the RN is now smaller than at any time since the Spanish Armada.

  2. UltimaRatioRegis10:04

    Mere powder, guns, and bullets,
    We scarce can get at all;
    Their price was spent in merriment
    And revel at Whitehall,
    While we in tattered doublets
    From ship to ship must row,
    Beseeching friends for odds and ends -
    And this the Dutchmen know!

    No King will heed our warnings,
    No Court will pay our claims -
    Our King and Court for their disport
    Do sell the very Thames!
    For, now De Ruyter's topsails
    Off naked Chatham show,
    We dare not meet him with our fleet -
    And this the Dutchmen know!

  3. Grandpa Bluewater10:48

    Coming to a Surface Force near you, sooner than you think.

  4. ewok40k11:39

    So much for the HOME Fleet...

  5. like we should talk.  When was the last time the Navy made good on its requirement to have the capability to defend our harbors against offensive mining?

    And don't tell me that it could never happen..

  6. ewok40k16:07

    Even 1 Kilo class can stealthily lay minefield set to arm on D-day and shut entire harbor down until LCS gets correct module - which is, like, few years in the future?

  7. Anonymous17:05

    Trade shall be held the only God
    And gain the sole device;
    The statesman's aim shall be peace,
    And peace at any price.

    Her army and her navy
    Britain shall cast aside;
    Soldiers and ships are costly things,
    Defence an empty pride.

    The Germans and the Muscovite
    Shall rule the narrow seas;
    Old England's flag shall cease to float
    In triumph in the breeze.</span>

  8. James17:53

    The 1,000 ship navy is as much of a dream as the 300 ship Navy. When you aircraft are going to cost 200mil a peice you want 400 along with dozens of others and 12bil aircraft carriers.........Does anyone really wonder?

  9. Fred Z23:23

    Third time lucky!
