Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Diversity Thursday

CMEO - what it was and what it is still.

From one of my Fleet Spies - and one of the reasons I continue DivThu.
I am but a lowly LT currently between sea tours and stationed at a shore command. I eagerly anticipate your Diversity Thursday posts each week as I am like minded on all things diversity related. I thought I would relay the following to you. Today I was asked by an office-mate and friend, the Command Managed Equal Opportunity Officer (yes, that exists as a collateral duty), to proof read a report that he had to submit up the chain of command. The report contained a summary and analysis of the results of a recent command wide survey. The survey asked questions about a wide range of topics, everything from sexual harassment, to racial discrimination, to work place material conditions. The report however, focused in large part on race. It contained bar graphs and detailed discussions of awards given out by the command, broken down by race and gender. The report also discussed mast cases as a percentage of each ethnic population at the command, and repeat offender mast cases also broken down by race. I asked my friend why he had broken things down in the manner he had. He replied that its what he was ordered to do. He also said that some officers from the Navy Inspector General office were around not long ago and they took quite an interest in these findings. I was once again dismayed but not surprised to find the command wringing its hands to find evidence of racial discrimination where it simply does not exist. At our command it was found that awards are given out among minorities at a rate that is commensurate with that of whites. There was a higher rate of mast cases among black students, but upon detailed inspection, it was found that the cases against black students were as clear cut as any mast case against white students. Thanks for fighting the good fight. I'll continue to do my part, which is limited given my current rank.
I continue to gain strength in feeling that this generation gets it. It will be this generation that will eventually stand athwart the Diversity Industry and yell, "Stop."

This is good.

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