Wednesday, December 01, 2010

XM-25: 1 for each VBSS please

What do you think ... 2 per DDG in the armory?


  1. ewok40k08:06

    Let me introduce you to a personal friend of mine... the M-41A  pulse rifle :P

  2. Salty Gator08:28

    eh.  Why bother.  it will just collect dust with career minded CO's afraid to employ it even as their ship is sinking.

  3. Grandpa Bluewater09:09

    If you want one per boat and two boats, make it 3. Never trust an advertising pitch. Everything needs maintenence.

  4. SCOTTtheBADGER09:21

    It's just the top half of the failed XM-29.

  5. ewok40k09:37

    never enuff dakka... though I agree that unless mission>career in the mind of the CO, no weapons will help

  6. Therapist111:32

    I saw this weapon on Future Weapons a few years back.  It looked impressive and seemed capable in the field as it appeared farely robust and could be of some use at getting insurgents across the mountains and behind cover.  I guess the field use in AFG will test this writer's uneducated opinion.

  7. Ken Adams20:45

    I'd kinda like to have one of these mounted coax with ma-duece ... nice force protection weapon for pierside use, too.

  8. Anonymous23:25

    Looks great for the Marines and the Army, but I'm not sure what purpose it would really fill WRT the Navy.  I'm sure it's the answer to some question Navy-wise, but I'm not sure that question was about VBSS or anything man-portable.  If you're rocking and rolling on a RHIB, this probably isn't going to help you much, and once you've boarded you don't have a long enough engagement range probably for this to even arm. 

    I don't really see what this could do in the Fleet that you couldn't do - and just as well, if not better - with the Bushmaster, if your target is either hard or out of concealment.  If your target is concealed ... well, there's always defilade and VTRF ...

  9. LT Rusty23:26

    That was me, sorry.

  10. ewok40k23:33

    In a  USS Cole scenario or similar while underway in the littorals a couple of them really can help!
    Plus one bushmaster mount can cover only so much field of fire an targets at a time...

  11. LT Rusty00:16

    One Bushmaster PER SIDE can cover a lot more real estate, and 4 M2HB twin-mounts expands it even more.  And M14s, Mossy 500s and M79s help out a lot too.

    But none of it means a damned thing unless you've got eyes watching topside, looking for a boat pulling up alongside you.  One rifleman with an M14 could have stopped COLE from getting hit ... if they'd been looking for what was coming.  

  12. xbradtc16:54

    In a Cole type situation, there's nothing this could do that a Mk19 couldn't do a hell of a lot better. 
