Monday, July 05, 2010

NASA is lost ....

It will take decades to recover from the Obama Mal-Administration's hate of this nation's greatness.
In a far-reaching restatement of goals for the nation’s space agency, NASA administrator Charles Bolden says President Obama has ordered him to pursue three new objectives: to “re-inspire children” to study science and math, to “expand our international relationships,” and to “reach out to the Muslim world.” Of those three goals, Bolden said in a recent interview with al-Jazeera, the mission to reach out to Muslims is “perhaps foremost,” because it will help Islamic nations “feel good” about their scientific accomplishments.

Hat tip Ed.
UPDATE: Good googly moogley - he didn't even make it two minutes in to the interview.


  1. kmadams8510:10

    I know he doesn't want pity, but I really feel sorry for General Bolden.  A good Marine stuck in a bad situation.

  2. DeltaBravo10:22

    I was hoping it was so we could send them all to Mars.

    But I guess not.

    I recently saw the 3-D movie on the Hubble.  It was so awesome it left me with my mouth open.  Watching the Space Shuttle take off.  The Imax theater felt like I was standing on the launch pad.  I walked out angry though.  Because apparently our space program/go to the moon motto is "No, we can't!" under this fool. 


  3. DeltaBravo10:23

    I think I missed the Muslim space accomplishments.... did they launch anything other than missiles at Israel?  Did I miss something?

  4. MR T's Haircut10:32

    Um WTF????

    REACH OUT TO THE MUSLIM WORLD???  Huh?????  Crazy Sh&t ... 

    Point of fact, the muslim world has done nothing but sew seeds of destruction.  The leadership is no different then Antebellum South, only instead of Cotton and Africans, they have Oil and Fillipino and Bangledeshi workers...

  5. ewok40k10:52

    Though, may I add, inspiring children to study math instead of gender studies/creationism teory (pick by your affiliation) should be one of top priorities of education depatament... Or US will end with all the stealth aircraft and nobody to operate them

  6. Captain Joe11:10

    <span>Meanwhile, Charles Bolden, the first African American to head NASA, is under fire for wanting to cancel a $10 million biofuels project. Supporters of this project include his deputy, Lori Carver. Bolden is being investigated by the NASA inspector general because he consulted on the project's merits with Marathon Oil, where he served on the board of directors and still holds up to $1 million in company stock. Marathon Oil has competing biofuels technology under development, which some suggest is the reason Bolden quashed the project. Bolden's actions in light of his relationship to Marathon Oil triggered the investigation. This is not looking good for a man with a storied career.</span>

  7. Redeye8011:12

    So what does Charlies Bolden do?  One of three things.

    1.  Aye, aye, sir three bags full.
    2.  Approach the President and ask for clarification on why NASA should reach out to the Muslim world.  What value does the Muslim world contribute to the peaceful exploration of space?  Why is the Muslim world specifically highlighted? How about China, France, etc?  You get the picture.
    3.  Stand up as a retired Marine General and say BS. Tell the President to find someone else to carry the message and resign.

    BTW, I believe Bolden is perfect man for the position and at the right time.  Unfortunately, Bolden is at the helm of a dying ship under this administration.  If he resigned, it would do more good than staying with the ship.

  8. Redeye8011:14

    Unaware of this, pls provide a link.  But this sounds like the typical NASA politics.  Sad, this organization was once the pride of the world.

  9. Gerald Walpin11:14

    The NASA IG better watch his azz.

  10. UltimaRatioRegis11:22

    Reach out to the Muslim world.  Huh.

    How's a 30-megaton high burst at about 12k over Teheran, Damascus, and possibly Istanbul? 

    The Muslim world will contribute nothing peaceful to anyone's efforts in space.  Elements of that world will, however, strive to obtain technology and capabilities to destroy the infidel Christian West.  And we, er, B. Hussein Obama, will use our capabilities to help them.

    Is he that naive?  Or is he complicit?

  11. DeltaBravo11:28

    Oh, just hush your mouth, you!  Think you're superior because our guys adopt dogs on the battlefield and y'all adopt a goddamn bear?   Well, we can teach bears to fly stealth aircraft!  Yeah, that's what we'll do!  Bears!

  12. John11:33

    Bolden is merely the recipient of direction from Higher.  Good on him for blowing the whistle.

    Obama's goal can be nothing but the deliberate destruction of this country.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Perhaps the elections in November may stop or slow his precipitous decline, but perhaps not.

  13. CDR Salamander11:57

    What does his DNA have to do with any of this?

  14. butch11:59

    WTF do biofuels have to do with space exploration?

  15. Kristen12:02

    Honestly, if I didn't know better I would have assumed it was from the Onion.  These people are officially beyond parody at this point.

    I"m so very pleased to pay confiscatory taxes in order to fund this agenda.

  16. DeltaBravo12:11

    Maybe it's one way to send rockets into space.  I'm sure there are many American children who would be happy to send all their beets into outerspace. 

  17. Old NFO12:21

    Likewise, I thought the Nobel Prize story was from The Onion at first.  

  18. GIMP12:22

    Glad this man has told his story.  He was given a pathetic and ridiculous goal.  There is something instructive about the decline of the Islamic world.  Many centuries ago the Islamic world was cultured, mathematically and scientifically advanced, and pretty awesome.  They were led by practical men.  The Islamic world has been led by religious, impractical men for some time, and they're paying for it as is the rest of the world.

    This has happened before.  The Spanish Inquisition and Dark Ages are largely attributable to the political strength of the church, who threatened and murdered people for doing things like discovering the earth is not the center of the universe.

    Imagine where we would be if we had some of our more radical religious leaders running America for a while?  We'd be screwed.  I think a great lesson is the incredible strength of our US Constitution, and the way it has guided our nation to a place where matters of fact and faith are both respected and kept in their appropriate places.

    The Islamic world as a whole should be a cautionary tale to all about theocracy.

  19. Old NFO12:27

    <span><span>Old NFO</span> 
    <span>Well the CIC has some questionable DNA.  He's descended from socialist/communist anti-American stock and doesn't seem to have fallen very far from the tree.  </span></span>

  20. DeltaBravo12:32

    Oh, no you didn't, GIMP!   Learn your facts.  First of all, when they're debating elsewhere here about DNA, the father of modern genetics actually was a Catholic monk.   As for the Dark Ages, please educate yourself as to who really preserved the sum total of all written knowlege during the Barbarian invasions. 

    Not all theocracies are as inimicable to actual modern science as you may think.

  21. Old NFO12:36

    As for Islamic "Science"  Most of the claims of scientific advancement made for Islamic societies actually happened before those societies were Islamic.  Most of the others were opposed by the Moslem hierarchy at the time and a lot of the thinkers/scholars were rewarded for their work with banishment or execution.  

  22. fdchief10012:40

    No mission conflict here at all. Reach out to the Muslim world through an improved satellite network that will provide better target acquisition capability and improved accuracy of ordinance on said troublesome aspects of the Muslim world.

  23. I don't know about *A* bear and stealth aircraft, Delta Bravo, but the RAVEN FACs at Long Cheng had TWO--count 'em--(2) bear-swilling bears ("Ho-Chi-Bear" & "Fred" (?) ) "quartered" adj. to the Bar--so slow-flying, non-stealthy USAF FACs were waaayy ahead of THAT game in the mid-sixties! :)

  24. Curtis13:22

    We could reach out with an orbital bombardment system?  This would let us engage them in pointed negatiation (just made up that word but it works for me)

  25. LT B14:13

    Communist, United States of America-hating, dip$h!t is the problem.  Make the muslims feel good about themselves and their scientific capability?  When you know you are REALLY ill in the middle east, you go to ISRAEL to get better, not to Iran, or Saudi Arabia. 

    As for NASA...  They are political tree hugging butt wipes now.  I see the edicts and "science" coming out of that group and just shake my head.  They've been infiltrated by the lefty loo knuckleheads too. 

    And what the POTUS knows about science and math can fill a bathroom dixie cup.  For all his supposed wonderful education, he can't do math (90% working Americans will get tax cuts), and he can't speak/read English (Corpse man).  For all the crap I had to hear about Bush's inability to speak and crap grades, I've yet to see Oh Blah Blah's grades. 

    If this guy gets re-elected, I think I will have lost my faith in the American people.  It'll be like getting bilked by a carnie...  TWICE

  26. DeltaBravo14:16

    I <3 Lt.B.

  27. ewok40k14:51

    I think better reach out capability is provided by MTV... and that is scary :P

  28. ewok40k15:01 like that?

  29. GIMP15:30

    I won't argue your points, I know they are correct.  I still believe that our saving grace has been the US Constitution, which has allowed us to be (somewhat) free to separate fact from faith officially and let people make independent decisions about their beliefs.  I believe the Bible, but do not always have confidence in man's interpretation of it.  I believe Copernicus was right and the church was wrong.  I'm a Christian but believe PhD geologists know more about the earth and PhD astrophysicists know more about space than Bible scholars.  Maybe not all theocracies are inimicable to modern science, but I'm thankful not to live in one.  I'm happy for you to have whatever beliefs you have, but I'm also happy that religious officials can't tell Americans what to believe, especially if it's factually wrong.

  30. As for NASA...  They are political tree hugging butt wipes now.  I see the edicts and "science" coming out of that group and just shake my head.  They've been infiltrated by the lefty loo knuckleheads too.

    Shows you how pervasively the liberal -make that neo socialist- mindset has infused academia...

    Its manned space in particular that the Great O is gutting. JPL (and their Google buddies), along with other entities are faring somewhat better.

    Here is a decade plus old book that never got much traction here in this country...

    But its real obvious the Chinese read it closely.

    Whoever controls space, therefore, will control the world’s oceans. Whoever controls the oceans will control the patterns of global commerce. Whoever controls the patterns of global commerce will be the wealthiest power in the world. Whoever is the wealthiest power in the world will be able to control space.

    Now, we are dependent on the Russians to get our Astronauts in space.

    And what are those Chinese up to?

    Oh yeah. This...

    Meanwhile, I knew we were in for more serious trouble than I feared when, not long after assuming office, I saw what the Great O was reading...

  31. Mike M.15:43

    We WILL reach out.  Using advanced ballistics.   8-)

  32. Grumpy Old Ham15:45

    NASA launched a Saudi prince into space back in 1985:

    I'd have forgotten all about it, save for that I used to drive by the shuttle monument/statue erected in his honor in Riyadh every day for a year...

  33. DeltaBravo15:49

    Keep in mind, Gimp, that in the 1300s and 1400s the Church leaders WERE among the few educated scholars of their day in many cases.  And while everyone laughs NOW at the idea the Church rejected the idea that the earth (with man on it) was NOT the center of the universe, that was also back when the maps of the day implied the earth was flat and "beyonde this pointe there be sea dragons."

    In short, till someone totally contradictory came along to disprove earlier ideas, people believed they knew everything there was to know.  Back then "modern science" was pretty primitive itself.  There was a time when people found the skull of an elephant and surmised from it that there must have been a race of giant one-eyed people.    

    Yes, I'm glad we have a constitution which keeps governments from outlawing my church as well as every other religion.  I'm just saying not all religions view science in the same way.

    By the way, the Church also thinks Copernicus was right and agrees in hindsight it was a little harsh with Galileo. 

  34. Grumpy Old Ham15:52

    <span>Now, we are dependent on the Russians to get our Astronauts in space.</span>

    Yep, look how well that ol' Russki tech is working:

    Funny how, other than one blurb that I saw on NBC, how none of the US LSM seems to be paying attention.  Wonder if widely reporting this issue would get in the way of The One's gutting of the US manned spaceflight program?  Naaahhh, that can't be...

  35. DeltaBravo15:52

    hahaah!  Pretty much! 

  36. DeltaBravo15:53

    If they could send one, why didn't they send them all?

  37. Grumpy Old Ham16:01

    Too much launch weight penalty?

  38. MR T's Haircut16:41

    good point... very good point.

  39. MR T's Haircut16:41

    Carnies smell funny and have short fingers...

  40. SJBill17:53

    Gotta take a drive around NASA Ames Research Center sometime, formerly NAS Moffett Field. External symptoms: electric cars, Toyota Prii, recumbent bikes - just one dipshit thing after another. They celebrate Yuri's Night with a huge splash but not many of our truimphs or losses (Apollo 1 Memorials, anyone?). Then you go into the labs where you abandon all hope.
    With this group mindset, I can't understand how NASA types can possibly be in jeopardy from Obama, and I'll wager that 95% of NASA employees voted for him.

  41. GIMP18:31

    Umm, I'm pretty sure I said Islam should be a cautionary tale for the world on how NOT to do things and that I said the US Constitution is how TO do things.  So I'm comparing the two.  Bad to good.  I'll do that all day.  Hope you and all had a great 4th.

  42. SCOTTtheBADGER18:51

    Delta, I think you will find that Bears ride in the back seat, and run the weapons systems.

  43. Not sure how someone of his stature can debase himself like that...

  44. xformed22:59

    Only in Wild Weasels....

  45. xformed23:01

    Well, once you get to Mars, you can grow space lettuce for the biomass generators you take along, so you can have biofuel to drive it home....You gotta keep up with the times!

  46. xformed23:06

    I had thought of looking that up, for it was the Babylonians who seemed to be the smart ones of the middle east, and that was in the BC years.  Since Mo' and his bros didn't begin caravan raiding and forced conversions somewhat north of 622AD, it's b$ that the Islamic World provided ther wisdom and technical know how.  Like so much else, Islam just piggy backs on other religions, and achievments.

  47. xformed23:10

    Hey, and don't forget his extensive knowledge of the US and it's 57 states...or that being an American is how you feel...

    Besides picking up the fallen standard of the worst President, he's most likely going to hold the record for the "most edumaction, biggest stupid" award, too.

  48. LT B23:25

    I do not know in what year this song was written, but I believe those fighting to shut off NASA's funding and play these social-welfare games w/ NASA are firm believers in this song:

    Whitey's on the Moon

    Small minds think small things.

  49. DM0500:23

    Obama & NASA; the reality show.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuughhhh!!!(returns to keyboard after large scotch).

  50. ewok40k00:54

    And maybe Badgers will do the piloting? :P

  51. sh60bpope02:27

    Know what the problem is?  Since when did space care about nationality, let alone religion?  It is a frontier, like all others, to be explored the first, tamed by the second, and populated by the third...  If we relinquish our responsibility by showing up first, giving it away in the same breath, while placating a world religion, why go?  Why be first?  Why do anything that costs an exorbitant amount, and captures the imagination of only the slightest few, that tiny piece of the populace that still - regardless of what they're told - still, believes in big dreams, and works hard to achieve them. Answer:  because we can, should and no matter the pundits opinion, it's still right to spend money on it - just as much as for the bums who're panhandling and need shelters in every city.  Ever do a cost-analysis on what they produce, vs what is given?

    It has to happen.
    Fund it. Separates us from the 12th century.
    I'll give up the last 25 yrs of my universal health care/mil retirement life for it... my kids too.

  52. simulationist09:47

    You're correct, I used to go up there for talks when I was in Monterey, it struck me as a very comfortable place.  Comfortable people don't go to the moon.

  53. DeltaBravo12:23

    Houston, you have a problem!

  54. As a USAF type I had the occasion to land at old Moffett Field once 40+ yrs ago. An interesting approach--had the vague feel of the old Hong Kong civilian runway. I've seen pics/vids of it's redevelopment--some civilian condos/boat-houses and shopping center as well, IIRC.

    PS: I COULD say that the RAVEN's real bears smelled better than the Iron-Hand WW 105 "bears" but I was a lowly F-4 "GIB" myself for a time without even "bear" status, so I'll hold my tongue. :)

  55. Salty Gator15:07

    You too, Bro.  Mine was awesome.  The Gator Clan was in town.

  56. This can be the basis of a newly coined term...

    Instead of "Quisling"...

    One -particularly senior military officers- should take care not to BOLDEN themselves.

    Or at least feel ashamed if they do....

  57. Steeljaw16:09

    Feb 2009: Iran placed the "Omid" satellite in LOE via the Safir SLV.  Satellite itself not much more than a Radio Shack project - but they have to start someplace I suppose...
    w/r, SJS

  58. Steeljaw16:44

    NASA: "We put the 'Moon' in 'Moonbats'"?

  59. steeljawscribe23:03

    "What is the mission of NASA?
    No — Seriously, what is NASA’s mission?
    Is it to be the lead Agency for exploration in the fields of aeronautics and space?  Discovering new technologies, opening new vistas of engineering and scientific knowledge for further exploration and utilization by US industry and the free nations of the world?
    Or is it a high-tech outreach group?"  -- US Space Program: Lost in Place?
    w/r, SJS

  60. Mary Alpha12:27

    Lt. B
    Whitey won't be on the moon or anywhere else if this POTUS has a say. Between Obama & Holder, Whitey doesn't stand a chance.

  61. I'm paying taxes to support this ....WHY!?!?!

  62. UltimaRatioRegis13:52

    Why indeed, Sid????

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