Thursday, July 22, 2010

Diversity Thursday

Everyone knows we in the DON love us some Affinity Groups. We love 'em from the openly racist, by its name, La Raza - to the more mundane but just as cancerous NNOA.

Affinity Group is just a PC name for organizations that base their existence on sectarianism and racial/ethnic identity politics. They are not about unity - they are about division.

They encourage a mindset that plays in to the most base and destructive instincts humans have - tribalism. Their views are firmly based on the debunked racial theories of the 60s and 70s that have little relavenace to the 21st Century.

Sure, they are popular in the Ethnic Studies Department and other centers of leftist thought in higher education - and of course in the Diversity Industry where they earn their keep - but in the real world - no use.

That doesn't mean, of course, they are harmless. One of the oldest organizations out there, the National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has moved largely from a Civil Rights group with an honorable and important part of American History to just an Affinity Group. As a result, the resulting logic falls to where all Affinity Groups do when they feel comfortable.

Grevience, hate, and open racism. This is what the Navy supports when it feeds millions of dollars towards the Diversity Industry.

Via our bud Breitbart .... BEHOLD ... but not what is in front of you. Yep - we are going to touch on the race story of the week.

You think this is old news - and the trolls are drooling in the hope that I haven't see the whole clip where Sherrod decided that her racist attitude was wrong and she should help all ... no, I've see it. The thing is - she isn't off the hook in my book. Sure, she isn't quite as bad as the first report has her - but she isn't as good as her apologists make her.

What I am interested in is not her ... I am interested in the totality of what she had to say. I am interested in the reception of her audience. I am also interested in the patronizing looking the other way at the substance, in context, of what she had to say. What I want you to do is look at the audience. Listen, with what little you can - to the audience and her.

Below is the full video from the NAACP. I want to to listen to the whole thing. Process the words. Know this is the 21st Century. She seems like a nice lady trying to do good things, and she has a heart - but she cannot get past race. Especially towards the end - she is all "us" and "them." Being nice and good does not prevent you from being retrograde and wrong. I know some very nice and well meaning people about here age who are also retrograde and wrong in their views on race and should not be in positions of power.

Archaic ... but in power she is.

That attitude, my friends, is coming to a selection board near you. As a matter of fact, it is old news that we already have Flag Officers pushing select lists to board members based on race. Hey - it's here already.


  1. eric07:37

    I liked your two very good points.
    1. She isn't off the hook, if you analyze her whole speech.
    2. "it's here already"
    Nice insights.

  2. Anon08:41

    Did you post that the four USN Sailors of the year were women?

  3. Guest08:52

    She's at a NAACP conference, so it's not surprising that she is talking about race.  I like her story - she is trying to get past her own biases and is trying to use the speech as a teachable moment.  We all have biases and to stand up in front of a crowd, especially the audience she was in front of, and talk about how you have tried to improve yourself for the betterment of another person is not easy.

    Now, when she says that she would never help a white man and there are cheers from the crowd - THAT should be the issue brought to the forefront.

  4. ASWOJoe09:26

    Yes, she's a very, very sorry bigot.  It'll be a great story to tell in the unemployment line unless she's got some grievance mongering sinecure lined up.  I suppose that the fact she saw the error of her ways is meant to cleanse her guilt.  That doesn't change the fact she admitted to her racism and to not carrying out her duties because of that racism.  She should've had the decency to resign when she realized that she was unable to perform the duty the taxpayers expected of her.

    As to selection boards, I eagerly await the first IG complaint of someone getting passed over because they needed to make room for a Flag's favored diversity candidate.  I may even have to open the good scotch for that one.  Anyone want to guess the odds of a board member being willing to break EMCON if they see it happening?

    Lets face it folks, the only thing these sectarian vermin fear is having their little rocks turned over in the daylight of the news cameras and being forced to explain themselves. 

  5. ASWOJoe09:26

    Yes, she's a very, very sorry bigot.  It'll be a great story to tell in the unemployment line unless she's got some grievance mongering sinecure lined up.  I suppose that the fact she saw the error of her ways is meant to cleanse her guilt.  That doesn't change the fact she admitted to her racism and to not carrying out her duties because of that racism.  She should've had the decency to resign when she realized that she was unable to perform the duty the taxpayers expected of her.

    As to selection boards, I eagerly await the first IG complaint of someone getting passed over because they needed to make room for a Flag's favored diversity candidate.  I may even have to open the good scotch for that one.  Anyone want to guess the odds of a board member being willing to break EMCON if they see it happening?

    Lets face it folks, the only thing these sectarian vermin fear is having their little rocks turned over in the daylight of the news cameras and being forced to explain themselves. 

  6. UltimaRatioRegis09:43

    Do the color reversal drill and see how long a white USDA employee would last talking about helping black farmers and lawyers in that way.

    Nobody would be offering any jobs back to him/her.

  7. MR T's Haircut11:20

    so they are now apologizing to her for firing her because the comments were about an incident 20 years ago?  Excuse me.. does a murderer get an aquittal because the crime was in the past?   She is an unqualfied RACIST. 

    fire her ass.  keep her fired.

  8. Has everybody died? On vacation? Usually by this time there are 15-20 comments. Last few day's posts--practically ZERO. What gives, CDR SAL? Or am I part of the 10%?

    ANYWAY, from "our" pov the sad thing is, as you have already pointed out, that all this is well under way to becoming firmly entrenched in the assignments and promotions system. (Think I'll order some Rosetta Stone CDs in Chinese so's I'll be able to converse/plead for mercy with our new Overlords.)

    Regarding the lady herself, I see where she is now calling FOX in it's entirety racist for trying to ".......take blacks back to where they were looking down and not looking whites in the face......."

    To quote commenter ac245 over at Ann Althouse's place: "As Twain might have put it, it appears reports of the death of Sherrod's racism were greatly exaggerated."

  9. Redeye8011:36

    I think it is funny that there are some who are complaining that the "right" used selective editing.  Really, I fell out of my chair on that one.

    I am not sure if she is a bad person, she is who she is.  I kind of follow the "who can cast the first stone thingy."

    The real joy of this is the overreaction of the administration (again) and others before they had all the facts.  They anticipated an attack and tried to resolve the problem by getting rid of the problem.  This my friends is the M.O. of the administration and those other groups.

    Oh yeah, I should have been general because of my brown skin! Where is the compliant form?

  10. XBradTC12:08

    FYI, she wasn't a government employee when the incident occurred. She worked for a non-profit organization.  Of course, my next question would be "has that organization ever received any federal funding?" If so, the federal guidelines against discrimination would apply. 

    But I'm willing to forgive her sins. Lord knows I have enough of my own. But what I'm not willing to overlook is the enthusiasm of the crowd for discriminating against white people. Classy bunch there. 

    Mind you, as CDR Sal implies, when you gather an affinity group together, you are likely to get the folks most likely to grievance monger. 
    That is to say, they likely don't represent the true feelings of their population as a whole.

  11. AW1 Tim12:09

     Indeed. As Breitbart pointed out, THAT was the reason he ran the clip. Not Sherrod's comments, though they were germane to the whole story, but primarily because of the very vocal support she got from the audience.

  12. John12:10

    Content of their character or color of their skin?

    As long as some choose to only see color of the skin (or ethnicity, or national origin or sexual orientation) and use it as the basis in any positive or negative fashion, we are in deep doo doo.

    It appears that those in the deepest doo doo are the career race hustlers, and the despicable leecehes perpetuating their existence- the diversity industry.

  13. AW1 Tim12:10


  14. Kristen12:11

    CDR, thank you for fighting this thankless fight.  The bullies count on being able to push people around in the shadows.  When you shine the light of day on their actions you make them defend the indefensible.  I really admire you for that. 

  15. Kristen12:16

    Is anybody taling about that?  Cause I agree, one of the most interesting parts of this is how fast the Obama administration acted to fire her. 

  16. Kristen12:20

    "Lets face it folks, the only thing these sectarian vermin fear is having their little rocks turned over in the daylight of the news cameras and being forced to explain themselves."

    That's exactly what I was trying to say in my comment to the CDR above.  Thank God the news cameras don't all belong to the MSM anymore, and they can't kill stories like this.  Nothing will ever change until it all comes out in the open.

  17. LT B12:38

    Fear the terminal CDR or retired Naval Officer w/ integrity.  I know first hand that the political officers, er, I mean diversity division and sectarians FEAR and LOATHE having the light of truth shined upon them.  They scurry like roaches and try to cover everything up.  There is certainly a place for stamping out racism, but what the likes of the Diversity Douches and the NAACP have not come to realize is that ALL racism should be stamped out. 

  18. cdrsalamander12:53

    Awwwww, shucks.  Free therapy.

  19. Guest12:54

    I don't remember Breitbart staying that at the beginning....only when he was doing a little tap dancing after he found out there was more to the clip.

  20. Re: Board passovers.

    The system is too smart for that.  Rather than passing somebody over, they just create a quota.  To wit:

    A recent CPO selection board.  Quotas were released, as usual, when the board convened, and listed 20 available NCC slots.  Selectee list came out after the board adjourned -- with 21 NCC's listed.  Care to guess the gender/race/religion of #21?

  21. Salty Gator15:18

    He didn't say it explicitly but he inferred it.  This was a response to the NAACP attacks on the Tea Party, so he was illustrating their own racism.  She was never the focal point.

  22. Salty Gator18:20

    Isn't it interesting:

    - not one of them was an IA
    - not one of them was a SEAL
    - not one of them was EOD

    considering that our entire GWOT contribution has been characterized as IAs, SEALs and EOD, I'm surprised that none of these communities were recognzied.  oh wait...probably because they are dominated by men and don't fit the "diverse" profile.

  23. Therapist122:10

    I was saying the same thing to my wife.  The fact that this thought even entered her mind and she entertained following through with it says volumes.  However the, "their own" comment too speaks to this woman's true belief system.

  24. LT B07:41

    Here's a nugget of our Beloved Leader of the Democratic Republic of America. 

    POTUS backs the Paycheck Fairness Act where they collect a database of race, gender and country of origin of workers from industry.  I guess, some pigs are more equal than others.

  25. LT B07:50

    Yeah, those EOD and SEAL Sailors are slackers.  They need to step it up down range.  Hell, we even have female EOD Sailors. 

  26. SubGuy08:24

    Boy this entry just got blown off by everyone!  Too sensitive?  I am surprised Sal didn't pick this for D-Thursday!  Not only were all 4 women, but 3 of 4 were minorities!  Diversity is nearing apogee!  Statistically it is nearly impossible that this would happen in all four regions without some "higher up" coordination!

  27. UltimaRatioRegis08:42


    I think it is clear that the 85% of the Navy that is made up of males is NOT the caliber of sailor that we are looking for as SOY. 

    None of the male IAs downrange fighting the enemy should be considered at all.  They are the wrong gender, probably most are the wrong race/ethnicity, and they are actually trying to KILL bad guys.  Which is hardly a global force for good.

  28. ASWOJoe08:45

    Same vermin, new rock to hide under.  Now they're calling them Employee Resource Groups vice Affinity Groups.  ERG's huh?  Somehow I think the ER should stand for something else.

  29. ASWOJoe08:45

    Same vermin, new rock to hide under.  Now they're calling them Employee Resource Groups vice Affinity Groups.  ERG's huh?  Somehow I think the ER should stand for something else.

  30. Salty Gator08:47

    Here is the real crime:  I don't know these Sailors.  They might even really deserve to be SOY!  HOWEVER, given this administration's racist policies, this CNO's affinity for...affinity groups, you end up QUESTIONING when this happens.  So, in essence, even if these women DESERVE SOY, they are being disserviced by the CNO and his policies!  So many Sailors who just HAPPEN to be minorities are fantastic officers and enlisted.  Their race has nothing to do with their performance, likewise their gender.  These affirmative action policies take away from their contribution, and instead exist self congratulatory propaganda for white closet racists.

  31. Aubrey09:08

    The guy has had his ups and downs, and he still has yet to win back the respect he lost when he decided to run as a "D", but editorials like this are a decent start. With his Navy history both he and McCain need to start taking a larger role in what is going on right now:

  32. DeltaBravo09:19

    Sometimes the Diversity Thursdays write themselves.  (Deltabravo from a different computer)

  33. SubGuy09:26

    I think you said a lot of sad but correct things Salty.  Regardless of how super they are, I think that the odds of this group happening are phenomenal.  I forwarded 3 SOYs in my last command position - white male, white female, black male.  Black male was selected 4 star level SOY but didn't win final look.  I always felt good about who I sent up.  In this case, knowing probability and considering the amount of "diversity" directives/etc. that we have seen Sal graciously keep us informed of, I this think is smells to high heaven!

  34. Salty Gator16:26

    McCain lost me a while ago, but this is a fair and balanced piece by the former SECNAV.
