Tuesday, March 09, 2010

OK, I won't miss him ...


I too apologize to my readers and listeners.

Oh, and one word for you;

You should see some of the stuff people are sending me on background. Good googly moogly.

The New York Republican Party's opposition research wing from '06 and '08 should be tar'd, feather'd and run out on a rail.

As for Massa - my advice stands. Focus on your family - they need you to - and in the end that is all that matters.

Hat tip Allah.


  1. DeltaBravo23:33

    Okay...I really tried to listen with an open mind.  And I was sorely distracted by all the superfluous words.  It was like listening to Blagojevich.   Too.damn.many.words.

    I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Cancer.  Check.  No time with family.  Check.  Bullying by Rahm.  Check.  Health issues.  Check.  Smear campaigns.  Check.

    I can see how the sum totality of it all may make a man just decide it's not worth it anymore.

    But he didn't answer the questions about the other shoes dropping.  Are there more?

    And I just can't wrap my mind around someone running for office in 2008 who doesn't know that all those campaign donors will expect a return on their money.  They didn't give him money for him to vote against their values.

    It has the stench of the piano player on the bordello who is SHOCKED!  SHOCKED!! that stuff is going on upstairs!  5 hours a day raising money?  Being expected to vote with the unions? 

    Did he get that far in the Navy being so terribly naive?

    The pieces of the puzzle don't fit.

    That's the charitable way I'll put it.  There must be more information.  Because if there isn't, and he wasn't very forthcoming on Beck's show, I can only deduce he is a liar, or he was too naive to be in Congress.

    Go home, Eric.  Make it up to your family.  Leave politics for those who are willing to play the game or go down trying to defeat the other team.

  2. Eagle100:20

    Well, if your rumors are anything like the rumos I get . . . =-O

    Hokey mokey!

  3. Old NFO00:38

    After listening to the Beck show tonight I was wondering if the Navy had really changed that much since I retired.  Tickle fights?  I will be glad to see him fade away, quickly.

  4. ShawnP01:39

    Hmmmmmm Massa and Graf can maybe hook up in the Nutty Fruit Cake section of DC.

  5. Andrewdb03:39

    I feel very sorry for his wife, kids and the rest of his family, having to live through this rather public meltdown.

    Whether it's boys or girls, private life or public office - don't be doing the help.

  6. UltimaRatioRegis07:14

    Remember, that Massa's bizarre behavior doesn't mean his description of Rahm Emanuel's methods are not true.  He is only corroborating comments made by many others publicly and privately.

    But.... tickle fights? Just askin' for a world-class beatdown.

  7. John09:17

    The first warning sign should have been that he was a Wesley Clark sycophant.

    I guess it sort of went downhill from there.

    Maybe he was a "diversity" token at USNA, reflecting the need to admit nutjobs into the service.

  8. DeltaBravo11:51

    Okay...I just stole this from another website. 


    It doesn't really need a translation to know how bad this looks for America to other people.  My word!

    Don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    I think I'll laugh.  The reenactment is pretty damn funny.

  9. Kristen12:02

    If even half of the innuendo is true, I'm surprised that he made it all the way to Captain in the Navy.

  10. Kristen12:04

    URR, I bet that story is true.  I think that when Emmanuel and Massa are present in the same room, they represent half of the worldwide amount of crazy.

  11. Kristen12:06

    I feel sorry for them too, Andrew.  His poor wife...bad enough to find out that your husband is fooling around.  Much worse to find out that he's doing it with other men.  Her whole world has got to be turned upside down right now.

  12. Lex says he was a classmate and points out that people are never as simple as they seem to people who don't know them... 


  13. LT L12:29

    I'm not.

    -LT L

  14. C-dore 1413:20

    Let's see if I've got this right...the Navy was to blame for the way he acted?  Thought that the cruise book/"Lucky Bag" he was waiving around was a nice touch.  I don't remember a lot of "tickle fights" during my time in the service but, then, maybe I just hung around a different group of people.

    As John notes, below, it's worth remembering that he studied at the feet of Wesley Clark, a guy who gives "opportunism" a bad name.

    Go quietly, Eric.  Your 15 minutes are just about up.

  15. C-dore 1413:21

    Sorry, he only made it to CDR.  About normal for an over-educated staff officer with a high ranking patron.

  16. Kristen13:48

    C-dore, thanks for the correction.  Just to clarify, I didn't mean my comment as any sort of attack on the Navy.  I have the highest respect for the vast majority of all who serve.

  17. Kristen13:51

    I guess maybe the junior officers who were affected just didn't want to open that can of worms by complaining.  It's too bad - that kind of behavior shouldn't have to be tolerated.

  18. Grumpy Old Ham15:13

    Uh, that would be the whole district...

  19. MR T's Haircut21:58

    I pity the fool trying to tickle me... I aint getting in no stateroom with this fool Hannibal!!

  20. C-dore 1416:02

    This morning's WaPo referred to him as "Tickle Me Eric".  I think the story has about run its course.

  21. UltimaRatioRegis17:27


    Not uuntil we see a celebrity death match between Eric Massa, Holly Graf, and Joe Sestak. 

    Just sayin'...

  22. Dig Dug22:31

    Oh, you guys are just mad that he broke the first 2 rules of Tickle Fight Club.
