Monday, February 01, 2010

What 'cha do'n this week?

Well, gaggle of folks are going to be at the 2010 West Conference & Exhibition in San Diego.

Rumor has it that folks outside the Mason-Dixon line (you know who you are, Maggie) are picking up the bar tab, so you know where I'm heading.

Joining me will be fellow
USNI bloggers Galrahn of Information Dissemination, Jim Dolbow and UltimateRatioRegis, with FBL, Boston Maggie, Bryan McGrath, and Neptunus Lex adding some flavor to the mix. We'll be all over the place making a nuisance of ourselves.

Additionally, with EagleOne phoning in from his nest, Galrahn and I will host a live, special Episode of Midrats Wednesday, 03 FEB 8pm EST/5pm PST focused on the "Navy Media Ecosystem" with special guest for a couple of segments, William M. Miller, III - Publisher at the United States Naval Institute..

Please follow us on the
USNI Facebook page. A lot of us will be Tweeting with the hashtag #West2010 as well.

The conference runs February 2nd, 3rd and 4th; so if you are in town, don't be shy.


  1. MR T's Haircut07:50

    <span>Phib, , Don't get put on the Charlie Liberty List okay?</span>

  2. Byron Audler08:01

    Phib, Maggie needs a ride from the airport; told her at her FB page to give you a call, or else she'll have to ride the back of Lex's motor scooter :)

    Make sure Lex stays away from the BBQ, he overate last week and whined about his calorie intake :)

  3. UltimaRatioRegis09:42

    Phib, I hope like hell you are bringing bail money, lots of it.  SWMBO and Maggie will need it. 

  4. Byron Audler10:18

    Don't let Maggie get near the keg! And keep SWMBO away from the wine :)

  5. UltimaRatioRegis12:44

    We will try, Byron.  But SWMBO and Mary have us outnumbered two to eight....

  6. Can't wait to see everyone!

  7. Andrewdb15:40

    And is there a specific Salamanderpalooza planned?  At least this one is in my zip code.
