Thursday, February 04, 2010

TOTUS Navy face-palm

My first instinct was to give the CINC a pass on this. Heck - listen to any episode of Midrats; I can goof anything between my brain and bubba-lips.

But I am sorry - how can I pass up "Corpse-Man." I'm Navy for goodness sakes! Click image to watch.

o-corpsHat tip RCP.


  1. Philo20:07

    It's what happens when you don't have familiarity and are reading.  I bet HM would have really thrown him.  Hmmm, is it "hmmm" or "H-M."

  2. MR T's Haircut20:10


    HE can pronounce "Intansiti" for United States of America, in CREOLE but he cannot say pecker checker?  How in the world will he repeal DADT???

  3. SJBill20:25

    Like in Mortician's Mate 2nd Class?

  4. LT B20:28

    People jumped all over Bush for stuff like this.  Commander in Chief?  Isn't he a proponent of the Peace CorPs?  All 57 states?  Yet the left wants you to believe he's the smartest POTUS ever!  You've been had!

  5. Robbo21:05

    Marines may be "America's heroes", but corpmen are Marines' heroes.
    I don't want to hear 'strategery' ever again -- this is way worse, offensive

  6. ShawnP21:15

    Teleprompter In Chief is certainly a knowledgeable one isn't he. As Rahm would say " He's blankin retarded".

  7. UltimaRatioRegis21:26

    Ay Carramba.  Musta learned that in his Harvard community organizing curriculum, or from Bill Ayers. 

    The liberal elite LOATHE the military and all that it stands for.  Our SecState made it be known when she was First "Lady", loudly, and in the presence of several in uniform, on more than one occasion. 

  8. DeltaBravo21:32

    Maybe he doesn't know that the purpose of a corpsman is to get to the patient before he attains the status of "corpse."

    Easy mistake. 

  9. UltimaRatioRegis21:43

    Turning the patient into a corpse is the VA's job! *DONT_KNOW*

  10. Surface Force21:44

    What to say when the teleprompter is not there...

  11. DeltaBravo21:48

    Ouch!  That smarts!

  12. Eagle122:06

    Wonder how he pronounces "yacht" or "boatswain?"

    Ah well, some spell potato and some potatoe . . .

    Of course, the media coverage might vary

  13. Lobotomy (sel)22:40

    don't forget the forecastle!

  14. Old Salt00:16

    yeah, and Bush never used the malapropism "strategery";  it came from Saturday Night Live. Sheesh.

  15. Anonymous00:49

    My friend and I were recently discussing about how we as a society are so hooked onto electronics. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes cheaper, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]nintendo dsi r4i[/url] DS ZKwa)

  16. John00:53

    Since it is blatently obvious by now that we cannot believe a single word this man says, it really does not matter much what words he says, or how they are pronounced.

    He lies!

    Meanwhile a salute to all the Corpsmen "Docs" for their valiant and dangerous work, and the rest of theri work, under whatever name it may be known.  Those who know, know.

  17. Grandpa Bluewater06:47

    As Tony Macrini (Norfolk talk radio jock) once said: "Those cold reads can really be tough".

    Look for phonetic spelling on the teleprompter real soon now.

    What else does John McCain know that Mr Obama doesn't?  Or vice versa. 

    Thanks to the Journalefts in the newz bidness, the world does not wonder. Never did, really. 

    And now for the musical portion of our program...."We are poor little lambs who have lost our way.....Baaa, Baaa, Baaa...?|"

    Bah. Grump, Grumble, mutter, snort.

  18. Bill08:10

    I say go after the speach writer. 

  19. Philo08:54

    John, he's a politician, they all lie.

  20. Philo08:57

    What makes you think "the left" wants you to believe "he's the smartest POTUS ever"?

  21. Perry12:20

    When I was the ENTERPRISE RCA, the departmental YNSN took a message for me to call "Ellen Tomore", with a ship's number.  I was confused since there was no rank or rating, and was wondering if she was one of the PACE instructors or something.

    When I called the number and received the salutation, "Legal, LN2 Moore,"  I just started laughing.

    On Obama, do you think he's essentially Ron Burgundy?  If some Republican operative snuck into the teleprompter room and changed the end of his speech to "F*%( you, America," would he end up drinking sour milk in a run down bar?

  22. UltimaRatioRegis14:08

    Ellen Tomore?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

    When I first took my current job working with hospitals in a very small state, I kept hearing this or that be the responsibility of "Achmed".  (not unusual, there are a few MidEast clinicians)  But a number of hospitals said the same thing.  One coffee-less morning, I quietly asked one of our committee chairs, "Who the hell is this Achmed?" 

    She managed to stop laughing long enough to tell me that was "Occ Med", as in Occupational Medicine.

  23. LT B14:50

    Well, because the "right" doesn't believe he is the brightest and I lump the MSM w/ the left. 

  24. LT B14:53

    I figured Ellen was probably LN, but the TOmore wasn't ringing.  It seems I had the wrong emPHAsis on the wrong syLAble.

  25. Andre18:39



    You people really crack me up. Having a black president must really get your skivvies in a bunch. Where was this outrage when GWB was water-boarding the English language? This board is quickly degenerating into a typical right wing blog were every attempt is made to denigrate the CinC. No matter that when the opposition was proclaiming the fact that Iraq was a mistake and Afghanistan was being ceded to Al Qaeda they were put down, by people just like yourselves, for not being patriotic enough to support the GWB presidency. And just a reminder, serving in the armed service is not a prerequisite for either the presidency or patriotism. In fact, promoting your own patriotism while denigrating your fellow countryman's shows your lack of understanding of the principle.
     <span></span><span><span>UltimaRatioRegis: "</span></span>

  26. DeltaBravo18:52

    Oh, Andre.  It's almost not worth a reply.

    It has nothing to do with his color.  But your kind is typical.  Everything becomes about race when it's really about incompetence or arrogance or ignorance.

    The problem is, this man is COMMANDER IN CHIEF.  It would seem that at the very least, he go through a chart of ranks and learn to pronounce the most basic titles of the several million employees that he can send into battle.

    It just seems like he isn't interested.  Then again, that's the same guy who went months without meeting with his commander in the field in Afghanistan.

    By the way, not all of us really thought GWB waterboarded the English language.  And he could talk quite intelligently for long periods of time without reading it off the computer screen.  The reason our panties are in a bunch is because the press tried to make him sound like an idiot and then spent 2 years telling us Obama was smarter than God Himself.

    I've seen the man unplugged from his teleprompter.  He begins babbling about how tired he is and about asthma inhalers.

    We don't like the uneven press attention.  Like when Gore said a leopard doesn't change its stripes.  Where was the press? 

    (By the way, my favorite word of all time is misunderestimate.  Pure genius!)

  27. cdrsalamander19:41

    Once again - the only person who seems to see race here is Andre.

    Nuff said on that.

  28. MR T's Haircut22:40

    Andre.. you swapping plans of west point wwith Benedict?

  29. Therapist111:14

    Not once but twice???  What an A$$hat.

  30. Paul14:09

    As a former "corpse man," I've heard worse
