Monday, March 17, 2008

That knock at the door at night ...

Take time to read the set-up in The Carden Chronicles, and then remind yourself that there is a reason we have the Bill of Rights - as it was actions like this (though a lot harsher with no option) by the British that started it all.
D.C. police are so eager to get guns out of the city that they're offering amnesty to people who allow officers to come into their homes and get the weapons.

Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier announced yesterday the Safe Homes Initiative, aimed at parents and guardians who know or suspect that their children or other relatives have guns. Under the deal, police target areas hit by violence and seek adults who let them search their homes for guns, with no risk of arrest. The offer also applies to drugs that turn up during the searches, police said.

The program is scheduled to start March 24 in the Washington Highlands area of Southeast Washington. Officers will go door-to-door seeking permission to search homes for weapons. Police later plan to visit other areas, including sections of Columbia Heights in Northwest and Eckington in Northeast.

"If we come across illegal contraband, we will confiscate it," Lanier said. "But amnesty means amnesty. We're trying to get guns and drugs off the street."
That is how it starts. First voluntary, then not. First amnesty, then not. First knock, then not.

If the people of DC (and soon Boston and Philly) are citizens and not slaves they will simply say, "He11 no!" and close the door. Of course, for those who think good, solid gun laws will keep the government police powers away from you need to remember that, in all the USA Washington DC has the toughest gun laws in the country - and it could get a lot tougher for all of us depending on the outcome of what starts this week at SCOTUS.

As with much of Leftist police powers, they find it easier to go after innocent law abiding citizens than to go after the criminals.
It will be interesting if DC's citizens are willing to be treated like slaves - slaves who only have the rights the State grants them, and then hold so weakly that they are meekly given back.

As a side note, because the
CNO ordered me to, did you catch this?
The program is scheduled to start March 24 in the Washington Highlands area of Southeast Washington. Officers will go door-to-door seeking permission to search homes for weapons. Police later plan to visit other areas, including sections of Columbia Heights in Northwest and Eckington in Northeast.
Now, I want you to click here and review the Ward profiles from a "Diversity" perspective for Wards 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8 that roughly outline Washington Highlands SE, Columbia Heights NW, and Eckington NE. Notice there are no plans (yet) to do this in in SW? Now click the data for Ward 2 & 3. Hmmmm, my history brain remembers something....

Nothing to see here - move along - move along.

Hat tip Jawa.

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