Thursday, July 08, 2021

Diversity Thursday

Remember, as they are mostly a military contractor, indirectly you are paying for this.

From the irreplaceable Christopher Rufo;
Beginning last summer, Raytheon launched a critical race theory-inspired training program called Stronger Together, encouraging employees to “becom[e] an anti-racist today.” Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes supported the campaign by signing an Action for Diversity & Inclusion statement, promising to “promote diversity” and “cultivate meaningful change for our society,” then asking all Raytheon employees to sign the pledge and “check [their] own biases.”
Raytheon asks white employees to deconstruct their identities and “identify [their] privilege.” The company argues that white, straight, Christian, able-bodied, English-speaking men are at the top of the intersectional hierarchy—and must work on “recognizing [their] privilege” and “step aside” in favor of other identity groups. Whites, according to outside diversity consultant Michelle Saahene, “have the privilege of individuality,” while minorities “don’t have that privilege.”
This all comes from the train of thought the CNO loves so much. Remember that.

...and yes, this is racist, red in tooth and claw;
Employees should “identify everyone’s race” during conversations, “including those who are White.” According to the document, white employees must “listen to the experiences” of “marginalized identities,” and should “give them the floor in meetings or on calls, even if it means silencing yourself to do so.” This process of voluntary racial silence is a “win-win,” because “you learn more when you listen than when you speak.”

Next, in a chart titled “What Not to Say to Your Black Colleagues Right Now,” Raytheon instructs white employees to never say that they “pray things change soon” or hope that social tensions “calm down,” which “says [their] comfort is more important than the message of anti-racism.” Whites should acknowledge that their own discomfort is only “a fraction” of the emotional distress of black employees, who are “exhausted, mentally drained, frustrated, stressed, barely sleeping, scared and overwhelmed.”

In order to further operationalize intersectionality theory within the company, Raytheon executives have created race- and identity-segregated groups, called Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), for Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, LGBTQ, and other groups. Ostensibly, the goal is to “advance an inclusive culture,” but in practice, so-called “affinity groups” often serve to create division and suspicion in the workplace.
Yes, "affinity groups." You know, the concept championed by the Navy since the start of this blog that I have been warning you about for a decade and a half. You can read it all at the previous link, or heck .. look at this post from 2007.

This is not a new thing ... at least not for regulars here - it is just finally breaking out from the background noise.

That is good and bad. Good in that now it is in the open and more people can see it. Bad in that it is more powerful. Even the bad is good in a way - now more people have seen the threat of this drive towards sectarianism and division. I'll take it.

Rufo has the full training document (hint hint) and I encourage you to read the whole thing.

Here are a couple of screen caps to motivate you to read deeper.

First, remember, when the CNO says "equity" he does not mean "equality." He does not mean equal opportunity. 

Who does Raytheon not value?

Is this where you want to go? Will this work environment be where you'd want to stay?

Once again, we need legislation stating clearly that no DOD funds can go to any organization that treats American citizens - by either providing or not providing resources - differently based on race, creed, color, or national origin. 

Also, the CEO of Raytheon needs to take his own advice and, "step aside."

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