Monday, July 14, 2014

The Triumph of the Nautical Fonctionnaire

In the name of all that is holy, warfighting first, I presume. As they say at the end of a long, sketchy game; "Scoreboard!"

No offense to our HR officers, .... but - let's ponder this a bit.

The second to third layer thoughts here are that they/we are selecting people based on the coded billets for that designator, more or less. In 2011, they said they have a community of, ahem, 800 - all O3 and above.

How may of these billets have been converted to civilians in the last decade as a percentage compared to other communities? How much have they grown? What jobs, exactly, are they doing? Is their attrition rate high - or has their billet structure grown?

It would be interesting to see the number of billets coded for HR types for each year over the last dozen years. They were set up in 2001. They laterally transfer from line communities usually as LTs.

In the warfare qualified communities, we all know that there were some quality people lost in the crunch. Maybe not your best, but some good people - more than a few that may not have looked good in the tank - but would have made up for a lot as LCDR.

Look at who left the warfare communities we have been in, those who as soon as they could - jumped off to be a fonctionnaire. Were they the best officers in the wardroom? Top quartile? How about second quartile? Third, perhaps?

They transfer, and instead of being in a bucket where they could be one of the 3 in 10 failing to select - they now have put themselves in a bucket where only 1 in 20 fail to select. What are we letting go ... and more importantly ... what are we not letting go?

What message does this send to the warfighter?

Is this a good thing for our Navy? Were are we moving that needle along the line of good to great by having a system such as this?

What would Jack Welch have to say about our system? That would be interesting to say the least. Ponder that as you review what he says about the 20-70-10;
Top 20%

When people differentiation is real, the top 20 percent of employees are showered with bonuses, stock options, praise, love, training, and a variety of rewards to their pocketbooks and souls. There can be no mistaking the stars at a company that differentiates. They are the best and are treated that way.

Middle 70%

The middle 70 percent are managed differently. This group of people is enormously valuable to any company; you simply cannot function without their skills, energy, and commitment. After all, they are the majority of your employees. And that’s the major challenge, and risk, in 20-70-10—keeping the middle 70 engaged and motivated.

That’s why so much of managing the middle 70 is about training,positive feedback, and thoughtful goal setting. If individuals in this group have particular promise, they should be moved around among businesses and functions to increase their experience and knowledge and to test their leadership skills.

To be clear, managing the middle 70 is not about keeping people out of the bottom 10. It is not about saving poor performers. That would be a bad investment decision. Rather, differentiation is about managers looking at the middle 70, identifying people with potential to move up, and cultivating them.But everyone in the middle 70 needs to be motivated and made to feel as if they truly belong. You do not want to lose the vast majority of your middle 70—you want to improve them.

Bottom 10%

As for the bottom 10 percent in differentiation, there is no sugar coating this—they have to go. That’s more easily said than done; It’s awful to fire people—I even hate that word. But if you have a candid organization with clear performance expectations and a performance evaluation process—a big if, obviously, but that should be everyone’s goal—then people in the bottom 10 percent generally know who they are. When you tell them, they usually leave before you ask them to.
The warfighting communities - some more than others - are seeing the post-war crunch. As the tooth wanes, why does the tail wax?

... and yes, I must. Now more than ever.

Final style note: that pic in the middle of the post of the surround-sound of paperwork h311? That is actually from the sales sheet for the HR community linked to at the opening of the post.

May Crom have mercy on us.

Hat tip L.


  1. Anonymous08:02

    Except if you look at the breakout of the URL all of the communities selected at above 90%. Aviators selected at a lower rate because the O-4 board is before their commitment is over.

  2. Anonymous14:04

    I think it should also be mentioned that HR/PAO/EDO zones are typically a year lower than URL zones (i.e. HR/PAO/EDO officers will promote (or at least be selected) a year before their URL classmates.
