Friday, January 11, 2013

Good Lord Man, Bring Everyone Home Then

This is it? Commander in Chief of the world's top power?
"So, you know, I think that, have we achieved everything that some might have imagined us achieving in the best of scenarios? Probably not. You know, there's a human enterprise, and you know, you fall short of the ideal, ... Did we achieve our central goal? And have we been able, I think, to shape a strong relationship with a responsible Afghan government that is willing to cooperate with us to make sure that it is not a launching pad for future attacks against the United States? We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal. And for that, I think we have to thank our extraordinary military, intelligence and diplomatic teams, as well as the cooperation of the Afghan government and the Afghan people.
Has he ever been briefed on the actual OPLAN for AFG? Objectives/Goals, End States, Mission?

Good googly moogly, from this horror show, it looks like he has not - or worse - he has and simply cared so little for it that he didn't let any of it soak in.

Anyway, let's read that again;
We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal.
Either this or that ... cannot do both.

I've known since DEC of 2009 that he had no idea what conditions based vs. calendar based planning was all about - and the history of both, but he could at least try to instill some confidence in his military in the field and show some spine as we continue our scheduled retreat.

This level of disinterest and depression just endangers all who are in the field right now. Heck, the center is broken ... now I know what the Elector of Bavaria was thinking at Blenheim.

If this is the level of commitment that the Commander in Chief has in AFG ... then we are way past any measure of morality in keeping people in harm's way.

2013's fighting season will be simply setting the conditions for 2014's retreat - a retreat right in the middle of fighting season. Might as well do it now ... but we won't/can't/probably shouldn't.

The responsible thing is to execute the CINC's orders as best as you can, but by no means take exceptional measures that put your people in harm's way. The CINC has given up on victory, no reason to do more than is strictly described. Get as many people home as possible, and to h311 AFG.

This is ALL on President Obama's head. He came in to office with a OPLAN that at least had a chance through Shape-Clear-Hold-Build and a conditions based path to some type of acceptable resolution. Now? Nothing. This eventual defeat is all of his making.

Watch the video above, you can hear it in his voice. He knows it, and perhaps even wants it.

I don't know. I can't see in to a man's heart, but I can judge him by his actions. Those speak for themselves.

As for senior leadership in uniform since DEC 09, know this. Somewhere in the near future there will be a young man or woman who will get their PhD and will write a book about your silence - about your inaction - about your willingness to stand in silence while this went on. 

It will make Bright Shining Lie and Dereliction of Duty look like love letters. Be prepared for it. Be ready to defend your silence. There are some schools of thought that will make sense to explain your silence ... but don't be shocked when you are held to account by history.

You have stars for a reason.

1 comment:

  1. "If this is the level of commitment that the Commander in Chief has in AFG ... then we are way past any measure of morality in keeping people in harm's way."

    Truer words were never spoken, because unlike the Commander in Chief's the authority you cede is above that of man alone.
