Saturday, January 28, 2012

Well, we got there eventually....

Based on this - good googly moogly guv'munt moves slow.
The Deseret Chemical Depot in Utah once contained 44 percent of the nation's supply of chemical agents. The depot didn't just hold obsolete U.S. weapons. A supply of nerve agent seized from Nazi Germany at the end of World War II was destroyed only months ago.
Yes, Nazi nerve gas only NOW destroyed.

Hat tip Hans de Vreij.


  1. ewok40k03:45

    destroying chem agents is difficult, tedious and costly... one of the reasons some really old stocks persist to this day
    Soviets just dumped a lot of them into Baltic sea, and there were cases of solidified iperite washing up ashore around here...

  2. bdoran06:01

    Ark of the Coveneant OK?

  3. Sean08:07

    Probably took that long to complete the paperwork...

  4. UltimaRatioRegis09:55

    <span><span>The grandchildren of the Veteran-owned small businessmen who were the original bidders on the contract in 1954 were informed of the award, but then received notice from the Center of Veterans Enterprise that they had to rescind the award because of the deaths of the primaries of the company in 1978.....</span></span>

  5. Aubrey10:23

    Just the people I want responsible for making life-and-death decisions about my health care.

    To quote Rod Serling (and use the same timeline), "Picture if you will the year 2074:
    "Mr Screwed we are calling in regards to the request you made for heart-valve replacement surgery in 2014 - we are pleased to tell you that the US Health Control Agency has approved one of the four valves you requested."

  6. James16:19

    How in the hell dont the soviets get crap for that!....oh wait they aren't racist capitalistic pigs like the US...

  7. Chap19:07

    I work with some people trying to deal with Chemical Weapons Convention rulesets and such in my day job.  This stuff is hard, lemme tell ya.

  8. Grandpa Bluewater21:07

    ...and I thought we were saving it for a special occasion, kind of like a throw down gun in a Detective Sergeant's inside overcoat pocket (behind the lining).

  9. red leg14:00

    To be fair, they have been destroying the more dangerous stuff like nerve gas in rockets and shells first, bulk stuff isn't that dangerous in comparison to the stuff already in shell and rockets with explosives that are deteriorating. 

  10. MR T's Haircut14:25

    Like Vince from Sham Wow said.. "the Germans make good stuff".. no wonder it lasted so long...

  11. ewok40k15:13   - some basic info on destruction of Chem Weapons and involved difficulties
