Thursday, September 08, 2011

Review of the President's Speech

The eldest wee Salamander had to watch the speech for her, ahem, honors History class.

I had planned to live-blog it, but decided not to. I also thought about typing out my thoughts - but I had a better idea; I'll let her do it.

Looking over at my impressively intelligent teenage daughter, I asked her, "So, what did you think of the President's speech?"

I quote:
I didn't get anything out of it. I've heard it all before and he kept repeating himself, bla, bla, bla. I spent most of the time looking at all the outfits the women were wearing. Red, blue, yellow. A lot of the women in Congress wear red. Funny.
Yes. I agree. That is about what I got out of it as well.


  1. Salty Gator22:54

    "The next election isn't for another 14 months.  14 months!  But the American people can't wait that long!"

    Yes, you are correct.  They cannot wait until you are gone.  But, as for the plan, way to submit a plan that stands ZERO chance of passing let alone actually working to produce a single job.  His policies created this mess.  Now he will try to blame inactivity from Congress as the burm which is preventing massive job growth?  It's like the surgeon blaming the tourniquet on a fresh gaping wound from preventing the healing of a non-existant scar.

  2. UltimaRatioRegis23:05

    Wee Salamandress has more cogent analysis than Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, or Wolf Blitzer. 

  3. ewok40k23:17

    Emperor's new clothes anyone? (Or, in this case, King O.'s new clothes...)

  4. The Usual Suspect23:49

    Obama has always been a "new clothes" kind of guy.  He has also been and "empty suit" kind of guy and it has been "amateur hour" at the White House for way too long.  Karl Rove had an article in the WSJ yesterday...I wonder why it took so long for him to realize it was amateur hour?  The wee Salamander gets an "A" for her political analysis and her ability to see past the smoke and mirrors.  Thank you for teaching her to think critically.  We need more young people like her.

  5. John00:43

    "Out of the mouths of babes [ahem- that means 'young people']...'

    Let's see "his plan" before getting to excited about it.  I've heard enough of his empty teleprompter induced words to know that you cannot trust his words to match his actions.  Andhis actions have all been extremely harmful to our nation.

    Don't forget, that 14+ trillion national debt he is largely responsible for alread will not be paid off by us olde retired folks, but will be slowly paid (with interest!) by today's kids.  They have a far greater stake in reining in our bad habits, even thogh most don't know or don't care at all about politics today.  They will when they start getting the bills to pay.

  6. Byron07:16

    Sounds like the acorn didn't fall far from the tree ;)  Good job of teaching your daughter critical analysis!

  7. Grumpy Old Ham07:39

    Thanks to young Ms. Salamander for doing the dirty work for us.  I just assumed the speech would be more platitudes and bloviating from the empty suit, and took the 2nd harmonic out to dinner for his birthday instead.

  8. LT B07:51

    Tingles up the leg, brother, Tingles up the leg.

  9. walker_7707:55

    Yes we want "Pres" Obama GONE... but will WE be allowed to get rid of him?
    The Neo-Socialist Obama has the 'main stream media/propagnda' defending him and his legions of liberal, ignorant, arrogant sycophant supporters. The second they hear something 'negative' about Barack Hussein Obama they go on the attack (re: "racist!") Come Nov 2012 if they see the 'popular vote' not going their left-wing way the gods only know what type of "fuzzy math" they will use to count the "votes".
    How does one defeat these people...? >:o

  10. Is it just me?

    Or was that the WHINE-IEST speech delivered by a President ...EVARH?

  11. Steel City09:41

    Another futile Hail Mary attempt.  His first attempt at massive recovery funds put the U.S. in debt another $2 trillion.  Why not try the same approach and hope for a miracle.

  12. Scout09:48

    My daughter had the same assignment, problem is we "help" her with a lot of the homework due to her Austism issues, but she does get it.
    She knows he lies and is destroying the country one stimulus at a time.
    She admits her disdain for the prez because O insulted her crush, Joe Jonas.
    Thatta girl!

  13. UltimaRatioRegis09:59


    Last night, Obama made Jimmy Carter's "malaise" speech sound like Churchill.

  14. UltimaRatioRegis10:00

    I can picture my old shop teacher shaking his head at B Hussein, and saying, "How is it that you are surprised that you cut the board twice and it is still too short?"

  15. ewok40k11:10

    I think two things should be fixed before we have a succesful recovery: Oil (drill, drill now, and drill even more!) and China trade (how about a tax on Yuan/$ conversion? this way we avoid itemified list of imported goods for tariff purposes).  Otherwise either keynesian money throwing or monetarist tax cuts will end up going towards buying gold or importing resources and goods.

  16. Kristen12:02

    She gave a fashion critique?  I'm so proud!  When my husband and I watch news together, he'll look over at me to see what I think about something, and I'll respond that the anchorman's tie is horrible.  Which prompts him to roll his eyes and shake his head.  I need your daughter to explain to him that females can provide fashion critiques and keep up with the issues at the same time.  :*

  17. MR T's Haircut10:34

    someone gave a speech?
