Wednesday, June 29, 2011

USA vs. PRC: we win

There is more to global conflict than armies and economics. Culture matters.

Basketball: check.
Cheerleaders: check.
Dudes that like dressing like chicks: check.

BEHOLD, yet be not afraid.

All of a sudden - the Red Chinese menace doesn't quite feel the same.

All we need to do is to take care of our internal problems. Any issues with our global competitor could, it seems, simply be settled by a dance-off.

Hat tip Hotair.


  1. Squidly08:07

    Given that we had male cheerleaders  and some clowns that tried to join the flag waiving element of the D&B Corps at Canoe U, I can't say we win.

  2. Surfcaster08:21

    The Fuscia Menace more likely.

  3. Surfcaster08:25

    <span>The Fuscia Menace more likely.</span>

    P.S. I can see an ILC:Men on Dance revival in the works...

  4. Salty Gator08:41

    Hot Air gets the hat tip but not the brackish water swamp dweller who sent you the link?  I see how it love!

  5. CDR Salamander09:07

    No Blue Falcon intended.  Sorry - but it came from a few places.  First past the post!

  6. ewok40k09:51

    imho the very fact Chinese are playing US-style basketball, is a cultural win of sorts...
    Im hoping the effect of increasing middle class (who rarely go to wars gladly) and steadily ageing society will keep China from most extreme adventurism.
    Still of course, military must plan for the worst case.

  7. James20:19

    Yes but the chinese can still start enough grass wars and launch enough cutting attacks that WE become exhausted and destroy ourselves because the rest of the world wont get off its but......or chooses not to for some reason.

  8. Dave Navarre16:24

    Given that there are 152 Chinese men born for every 100 Chinese women, expect more of this in the future.
