Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Funnies


  1. Retired Now08:25

    At last. Now I finally understand how America got so completely off guard on 7 December 1941. Our State Dept and Intelligence agencies really are just that bad !

  2. campbell09:53

    What is truth? simplicty in art.

    came by today to wish you a good Fathers' Day CDR

  3. UltimaRatioRegis10:04

    Weiner would have been below the fold until he made up that preposterous story about being hacked and how it wasn't him, and how he was somehow being persecuted, and the lefty-blogosphere tried their best to corroborate....

    And the fact that adolescents can talk and giggle endlessly about "weinergate" and "weiner pictures", and "show me your weiner" has some appeal.

    Besides, Iran is using its nuclear development for peaceful purposes.  Right?  How's that "reset" of relations with the Muslim world coming along?

  4. Anonymous12:24

    Reminds me of a cartoon in the LA Times during the Clinton administration.  Shows a fat Saddam Hussein, on a lounger by the pool, with an iron bomb headed directly for his stomach.  The caption?  "Monica Who?"
