Monday, November 15, 2010

Sal and Actus Rhesus go for a walk and talk economics ...

Hat tip HotAir.


  1. UltimaRatioRegis09:45

    Actus Rhesus sounds HOT! 

    One small point, however.  True deflation (and not the easing of prices) would be catastrophic and usually the signal of the death throes of an industrial economy.  Deflation in its true form is the result of the drying up of demand for manufactured goods, which would mean wholesale closing of what is left of our manufacturing sector.  Stocks henceforth would plummet, as shares in manufacturing would quickly and steeply decline in value. 

    However, printing money will not help that situation one iota.

    "Though there was plenty of money, there was nothing for money to buy,
    And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, said 'If you don't work, you will die.'"

  2. cdrsalamander10:49

    You just like her because she has a little bit of a potty mouth.

  3. LT B11:10

    Lord knows I'm ok w/ a little bit of potty mouth. 

  4. Actus Rhesus14:52

    Actus Rhesus IS hot.  ASWO Joe can vouch.

  5. xformed15:15

    Bumped across it in 99, and it was like taking a full semester course just to make my way through it, in three 2 week library check outs....

    "The Creature from Jekyll Island."

    Besides telling the story of the current Fed establishment, it first covers the history of money (and tells you it's the money supply holder that in fact casues inflation, not an evil oil company, or store owner raising prices), it moves beyond the Fed and talks about how the IMF manipulates world policy by handing out, or refusing same to governments.

    Eye opening for sure.

    Masterful video and script.  Gonna extend the reach with email Autocat from my position.

  6. SCOTTtheBADGER15:55

    well  that  was a  surreal  soundtrack.   do  the Salamander  and  the  Actus Rhesus  always   speak  with  such  fluid  grace  ? 

    Certainly something to think about though.

  7. SCOTTtheBADGER18:15

    I like a woman who is both hawt and humble about it.  I guess I shall think of her as a comely young lass, with fire in her eyes, and a song in her heart. 

  8. Anonymous19:49

    Did I mention my fierce Janis Joplin imitation?

  9. Actus Rhesus19:50

    Er. Guest was me

  10. ASWOJoe03:18

    I can vouch.  And badger, keep your claws off, or don't you know I like to go varmint hunting?

  11. UltimaRatioRegis18:06

    Hey Tits,

    Gas prices in Nov 09: $2.629

    Gas Prices in Nov 10: $2.892

    As for food, this from the Dept of Agriculture:

    "The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects that when it crunches the numbers at year's end, it will find that food prices in 2010 were only 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent higher than in 2009."

    If you're gonna be wrong, dumbass, don't be loud wrong.
