Friday, October 01, 2010

Red to Green; confirmed

I remember right after the Cold War was over and the Soviets/Russians began their retreat from Central/Eastern Europe, there was some talking head or other on the tube that made a comment that stuck with me since and I have heard a few times over the years.

The question was: with Communism dead and hard-Socialism discredited, what will happen to all the Leftists?

The commenter from the center-right said something to the effect,
"Well, we have already seen the transition over the last few years. The old Reds will become Green. Their goals have not changed, they just need another ideology which will let them exercise power over other and force their will on society. "
We know the Red of both the Communist and Fascist variety had/have no problem feeding their ideology with blood. Sure, you have had the Greenesque zero-population growth and animal rights wacko's get bloody-minded now and then - but when have they let their true nature show, the Greens that is?

This video should tell you all you need to know.

Hat tip HotAir.

UPDATE: If your filters kill video, it is back on YouTube
here for now. The EcoFascists are trying to cover their tracks, so it might be taken down again.


  1. Anonymous07:21

    Phib, who stole our video?????

  2. Butch08:22

    Looks like YouTube disabled external linking.  Go there and search for 10:10 mini movie No Pressure.

    BLUF: The ecofascists blow up AGW skeptics.  Once again the mask slips.

    I remember the same kind of @55holes in the 70s saying CO2 would cause an Ice Age and we were all going to die.  The solution was to give hem our money and our freedom.

  3. Surfcaster09:39

    They were different people once? Gee, I always looked at them as the same. Remember going to school at Patch Barracks in the 80s with hordes of German Reds and Greens protesting everything from Libya to the mess hall slop going to the Germain Pig Farmers. I never thought thet were really different back then, they sure smelled the same.

    I'm all for cutting emmissions, reducing eneergy consumption, foreign oil dependence, and failing to screw up the environment. Frequently makes sense, both logic and ecconomic sense.

    But I also want those knuckleheads to start considering our Deficit Footprint or I'll start looking to push a red button on a gray square box myself.

  4. ewok40k10:46

    Tom Clancy can be unwittingly prophetic again with Rainbow 6 story of eco-terror...

  5. Anonymous10:47

    The defense is already being made that this was just a witty attempt, even if artistically "outre," to  get our attention about a subject we (the general public) don't take seriously enough.  I am reminded of a conversation I once had over drinks with  a favorite couple of mine,  the wife being  both not only a PhD (Physics) executive with Exxon but an ardent femminist whose feminista chain I loved to playfully jerk.  Once after one of my only half-in-jest diatribes, she turned to her husband and said: "Does he really believe that crap or is he just jerking my chain?" To which her husband perceptively replied: "Yes and Yes." lol.  My point is that, while the EcoFreaks would have us believe that this vid is just their way of jerking our chain, they also really, really deep  down at their core "believe that crap." Otherwise  the vid wouldn't have been made in the first place...

  6. virgil xenophon10:48

    Sorry--guest is me.

  7. Chap10:51

    1) We have terrorist groups like Earth First on our soil.
    2) The political movement used to be derided (not by me; heard it) as "watermelons": green on the outside, red on the inside.
    3) Moe Tucker was spotted at a Tea Party rally.  I knew she was my favorite member of the VU when she worked at Wal-Mart; this only confirms it.

  8. DeltaBravo11:16

    Gee... all I get from that is the eco freaks will be as devastating to their economy as terrorists.  Considering the Tube attacks, I think the people being turned into red goo is completely tasteless.

  9. Southern Air Pirate13:08

    Does this surprise anyone? I mean when we have supposedly neutral or even consider politically ambivalent groups like the Sierra Club or PETA that advocate publicly standing up evil big business. Then when their leadership is pushed to denounce groups like Earth First, ALF, ELF, or other eco-terror groups, they are unwilling to give it a yea or nay. Let alone when some investigative reporters start to do a forensic audit on how some of the civil groups spending their millions of dollars and find just as many shell companies or large checks written to questionable people. Then when cornered about it these groups act shocked that these checks were written or this money was given out or they state that these people never did anything wrong. Which if you look at the eco-terror groups is totally true, they run themselves just like some of the big league terror groups, that is individual cells that receive ideology training from a center group, but never the orders to do things like commit arson on a college campus or send pipe bombs to a big oil CEO's home. No cell knows another cell. When some of the criminals are captured by the law, the leaders have been sufficently cut out from the process that they can say "well all we did was talk about how the evil humans are destroy the earth, not to go and kill/rape/pillage."
    Now with this video they are just being more public about hating people.

  10. poprocks13:30

    Human beings are hard-wired for religion. We need some transcendent Good vs Evil narrative to structure our lives and convince ourselves that we are on Team Good. When the dominant religion falls, another rises up to fill the void. The past 100 years we've seen the slow death of Christianity in Europe and, to a lesser extent, America. Communism and Marxism were the first ideology to fill the void, but they were hit hard by the death of the Soviet Union. Marxism is far from dead, of course, just rebranded as Bolivarian Socialism in Latin America or Black Liberation Theology in Obama's old church or Social Justice more broadly on the American Left.

    Environmentalism is the new religion of post-Christianity western elites. And in many ways it's been incredibly successful. Our schools indoctrinate our children. Our laws enforce the enviro daily ablutions (recycliing) under threat of fines. Environmentalism nicely fits over the dying husk of Christianity. You still have Eden (Earth before humanity), you have original sin (technology),  repentence (recycling), a coming Armeggedon (global warming).

  11. Surfcaster20:22

    Interesting thoughts...

  12. Guest21:01

    You get fired up about this but then give Sharon Angle a pass when she talks about "2nd Amendment Remidies" when people disagree with the government?

  13. Southern Air Pirate23:14

    Oh and lets not forget that 99.9% of the time it has been the Federal government via their police (FBI and ATF) that have managed to shut down most of the more violent attempts to overthrow the American Government via violence.
    Meanwhile, on the eco-terror side businesses and even government are bending over backwards to accommodate them. We also could have replaced POL fueled power plants with Nuclear power plants, but due to the environmental organizations claiming that nuclear power is more dangerous then dirty air. There has not been a new, nor renewal, application for a nuclear power plant. Lets just forget that we have been successfully operating nuclear power out to sea for over 50yrs with out a problem. Let alone they are currently in the process of killing off a large amount of hydro power dams through the west coast cause they are more willing to destroy jobs and destroy civilization with their "either/or" though process. Even though there have been options to build fish ladders or even remodeling dams in question to increase the ability of diminishing fish stocks to survive. To take on the Salmon thing for example. In the city of Ballard, WA; the eco-freaks are protesting that salmon runs are disappearing and protesting that sea lions (who came from CA) that are also destroying the stocks, can't be removed/harassed/or killed. Then there is the wind turbines, solar fields, all good enough for someplace just not their backyards or the lands were some animal or plant lived. I could go on how the hate just inside the eco-freak world are counter-intuitive to each other, but it is pointless.

  14. Casey Tompkins01:43

    If Sharron Angle had ever proposed cold-bloodedly murdering anyone who disagreed with her personal ideology, you might have had the beginning of an argument. Alas, all she did was point out that the 2nd Amendment tended to empower certain "remedies" with respect to opposing oppressive governments. You are obviously ignorant of the histories of both the United States and England you don't grasp the reference.

  15. Anonymous12:48

    It's easier to get the masses to believe in magic than it is to actually educate them.  If God says the planet needs to overheat, who are we to become more efficient to prevent God's will from happening.  Don't forget >50% of Americans are not college graduates, but >75% of Americans identify as "Christian."  Keep the majority dumb, and get them to give 15% to your religious organization, and tell them that God loves them and life will be better when you're dead. Great business model, probably why it's the longest running marketing campaign in history.

  16. Southern Air Pirate14:40

    Oh nice another overt believer in the faith of science and its infalluability. Also nice scything attack against Americans cause some are willing to allow both the faith of science and the faith of religion in thier lives. Science and some of those who pray at its altars are themselves believers in "magic" just as well. That science can do no wrong and only educated folks with a basis of/in science can make the utopia that all man is trying for. They have their own way to ostercize heretics, ie those who wonder if the collective wisdom is correct can't seem to find funding nor ways to publish in trade jounrals thier doubts or even own findings. . Science and some of those who pray at its altars are themselves believers in "magic" just as well. That science can do now wrong and only educated folks with a basis of/in science can make the utopia that all man is trying for. They have their own way to ostracize heretics, ie those who wonder if the collective wisdom is correct can't seem to find funding nor ways to publish in trade journals their doubts or even own findings.
