Monday, October 18, 2010

The Dutch have second thoughts

About Coffee houses and Koffie houses.

The problem isn't the Dutch really. Just like prositituion wasn't a big problem until the Moroccan and Algerian mafia took over - the problem is those who are not Dutch - the drug tourists - who are the issue.

In any event, the Dutch instinct is to live and let live. If that fails, no harm no foul - they correct.

Oh, and standard Kristen warning on the below video.


  1. ewok40k01:06

    The problem with live and let live attitude is when it is confronted with die and kill attitude embodied by , you guessed it, militant Islam... Then we are left with no choice and adapt to... live and let die?

  2. Outlaw Mike03:35

    Uh, it's 'koffie', CDR.

  3. Kristen13:21

    Well.  Your introductory paragraph is cryptic enough that I have no idea what's on that video...which I guess is a good thing.  :)   I sincerely hope that two weeks from today, my insane state doesn't vote to make pot legal. 

    Meantime, the stars are aligned in my life.  My husband is back home, and my parents are visiting, and they offered to keep the children.  Which means...DATE NIGHT!  Oh hooray.  This will involve perfume, high heels, and perhaps a bottle of wine.  Can't wait.

  4. spek13:46

    One of the greatest cities in Europe, with or without pot.  The polititians are using the coffee shops as a scapegoat for the increasing crime rate, of course.  It's doubtful MJ sales lead to increased crime due to low addiction potential and low profit margins when selling an easily grown weed.  No one is holding up banks n California to get their medical marijuana fix paid for. 
    The red light district is seedy and should be shut down.  Of course, then the prostitution will go underground onto the internet just like every other major city in Europe and the US.

  5. Salty Gator15:37

    BREAKING NEWS:  Military Recruiters now instructed to begin accepting homosexuals, however, with the warning that the policy could shift back at any moment.

    If it does shift back, I guess they will be "retired."

    Hand to forehead.

  6. If I were "ghey", I grab it in a heartbeat. Then go all flamoyant ...which you know will not be allowed no matter what, but nobody can officially say that now...then press for a quick General under Honorable and waltz away to paid for college.

  7. Andrewdb21:14

    sid -

    I was going to post that that was outrageous and the GI Bill benefit is pro rated for time in service.  Which it is - the GI Bill website from the VA says that after 90 days the pro-ration is 40% of the ed benefit, and it goes up from there.  I am amazed.

  8. SCOTTtheBADGER22:28


  9. Redeye8009:18


    Isn't that the point?

    Prostitution should be legalized so we can tax it.  That way no free ride, so to speak.

  10. spek10:16

    Seedy is ok, but seedy and dangerous is another.  I'm sure most of the crime in the city happens in that area, even if it primarily victimizes silly tourists who don't know how to watch themselves. 

    Where you have sex for sale in large amounts, people with cash come to buy, or tourists with cash come to look, and that attracts pimps, pickpockets, scam artists, muggers and hard drug dealers...
