Saturday, September 04, 2010

Viva Colombia!!!

It has been awhile since I reminded everyone why my favorite South American nation is Colombia, and why I fully support as much legal immigration and work visa programs from that great nation as possible.

Sure, they are a shining jewel of the power of democracy in that part of the world, and their military pound for pound is one of the best in the hemisphere ... but I have other reasons.

Here are four. There are 32 total in this group of queens that my facebook pal Diego Torres sent me ... but really - do you need more?

Sigh, only one life a mere mortal has. Eeeny, meany, miney, moe.


LBG break right, MTH take the left. URR and I are going up the middle - I'll veer left, URR you veer right.

Deal? Oh, Byron and AW1, go get us some beer - we're running low.

Just leave them at the table, then run interference with these gals, ok? Be a pal.

Andrew, don't go anywhere - we'll find something for 'ya.


  1. CoRev07:12

    Not a blonde among them?  Why not swedish beauties for a little more diversity?  Oops!  Wrong word.  Variety?

  2. Byron08:26

    The hell I'm getting beer! Hey Sid, beer run!!! :)

  3. cdrsalamander09:12

    Swedish women wielding golf clubs put men in hospitals - I'm steering clear of them for awhile.  Colombian food is better and their women folk are not shy about being womanly.  No, you have them .. I'll take these.

  4. Outlaw Mike09:27

    CDR, maybe you will come back in your next life as a jihadist, then you can have 72 Comolbian virgins. Btw, where's the cleavage? You used to offer us valleys which made Alpine ones blush.

  5. ewok40k11:50

    Save some sweets for Valentines :)

  6. CoRev12:15

    Racist! :)

  7. surfcaster12:26

    Byron and Tim are the sacrificial Wingmen. Sad really. Who knew in this story they would wear the Red Shirt.

    For the rest of you: DON'T click on the "these gals" link.  You were warned.

  8. xbradtc15:54

    Well, I'm more than a little hurt that I'm not involved. I mean, I can run for beer with the best of them.

  9. Anonymous18:05

    [URL=] игры онлайн смешарики

  10. Andrewdb18:14

    Viva la France!

  11. Byron19:17

    Phib, the commodore has requested that you be standing large and tall at his office door at 0600 tomorrow morning. I think I heard something from the yeoman in his office about "nude flogging on the quarterdeck with all hands present".

  12. Byron19:17

    I already got my Ringo Redshirt, don't need another :)

  13. C-dore 1401:49

    I think that you may be referring to the CLASSRON commodore.

  14. MR T's Haircut02:07

    Request Battery Release... I have a firing solution....

  15. Mary Alpha07:22

    I think CoRev likes blondes. :)
