Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pride & Prejudice, ... and Salamanders

Once again, I proudly state that one of my favorite movies is Pride & Prejudice .... the Keira Knightley version, of course.

One reason is this outstanding quote.
Elizabeth Bennet: Are you too proud Mr. Darcy? And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
Mr. Darcy: That I couldn't say.
Elizabeth Bennet: Because we're doing our best to find a fault in you.
Mr. Darcy: Maybe it's that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.


  1. MaryR23:05

    Grammar police, "<span>you to proud," "to," is "too"</span>

  2. DeltaBravo23:38

    Did...any of us...make you....mad???  :(

  3. Curtis04:54

    did, there are some worlds that are best not explored.

    i liked what her dad told her and mom about marriage.  Really laid it out starkly.

  4. Curtis04:56

    Much ado about nothing, Kate Beckinsale.  awesome hero.

  5. Byron07:39

    Kind of wonder that myself. Someone (and I deeply hope it isn't me!) has done something bad. Phib wouldn't put this up just because he likes the movie. Whoever you are, you're now in big time forever.

  6. AW1 Tim12:09

    Hmmm...  awfully good movie, though. 

  7. glab12:25

    no no

    simply obey the rules and not spell out certain words and one may remain.  Host has rules.  No spelling!

  8. Anonymous14:47

    Well now, look at all these manly men who appreciate Jane Austen.  Makes me feel a little guilty that I can't get into John Wayne/Clint Eastwood/Jason Steatham (Streatham?) movies.  :)

  9. Kristen14:48

    Whoops.  That was me.

  10. LT Rusty16:11

    Damn right.

    Love Branagh's Shakespeare movies, all of them.  Henry V was the best, though.

  11. DeltaBravo16:18

    Aww... I could watch Wayne in The Quiet Man over and over!

  12. UltimaRatioRegis16:22

    You and BostonMaggie. 

    But "The Quiet Man" is a wonderful movie.

  13. AW1 Tim16:23

    I appreciate good literature.  :)

  14. cdrsalamander16:29

    Hey, that was a cut-n-paste from IMDB  ... but mefixie anyway.

  15. Outlaw Mike16:54

    I liked it too. Relatively good soundtrack too.

    Outlaw Mike isn't my real name, so I dare say it loud and clear HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

  16. C-dore 1417:56

    Another one of those books I never got around to reading during my high school English Lit classes.

  17. Grotopotamus08:17

    My God... an Austen mention not too far on the heels of Run Lola Run soundtrack props... I'm nearing swoon!
    I had no idea, CDR :)  
    The book, C-dore, still has some relevant, razor-sharp observations about marriage. No points for reading the Zombie version first.

    Understand about guys and Keira... Love Actually is a fave Christmas movie in the Groto house, I think for very different reasons.
