Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Senatorial facepalm

The comments from a bud in deep cover is so good, I'm stealing them wholesale. Click here for the vid.
Some neat things in here about small boats or, as millionaire Maria Cantwell calls them - "little boats." Sort of like John Kerry's little boat "Isabel"... Or Cantwell listening to ADM Papp's response then saying: "I'm not sure I understand what you just said so I'm going to stick with my line of questions."

But my favorite part happens at about 114:00 when Sen. Rockefeller is talking about the Coast Guard using their Uzis and AK-47s. Maybe they use Uzis but AK-47s?
Why "trust in your elected representative" is no excuse for your inaction.


  1. Combat Wombat07:49

    Stream not working from link. Senatorial CYA perhaps?

  2. ewok40k08:25

    <span> "I'm not sure I understand what you just said so I'm going to stick with my line of questions."</span>
    Epic. Is she hereditary millionaire? If so, makes me wanna go 100% death tax to have more of "earn your millions yourself" guys like Herman Cain you've been showcasing  lately.

  3. MR T's Haircut10:08

    The Electorate gets what they deserve.... We need to Vote these ASSKLOWNS out....

  4. The Usual Suspect11:54

    CDR S, the scary thing about Cantwell is that <span>she</span> <span>is</span> <span>the</span> <span>smart</span> <span>one</span> from Washington. 

  5. C-dore 1412:56

    ewok, Regrettably, Maria Cantwell made her millions on stock options she received as VP for Marketing at RealNetworks.

  6. Old NFO14:48

    The truly amazing thing is that these people consider themselves qualified to run healthcare, the economy, foreign policy, etc.  What's even more incredible is that WE LET THEM!  Smaller government means there morons can affect less of our lives.  That alone is a reason to oppose the expansion of government oversight.

  7. Chris van Avery16:35

    Just one of the many dangers of trying to look smarter than you actually are.

  8. Byron18:37

    Or as I've heard before, "You'll never rise above the level of your incompetence".

  9. Grumpy Old Ham20:10

    I have heard, from time to time, people lament that "we have the best government money can buy."

    If only it were true.  I fear that we have the *worst* government money can buy...

  10. Quartermaster20:18

    Cantwell is incompetent, to be frank about it. Why be charitable? They put themselves in that position because they want it, then make complete fools of themselves.

    Not likely USCG uses Uzis. Likely M-4, or maybe Mp-5s, but certainly not AK-47s. Not even the Russkis use them anymore. They use Ak-74s these days.

  11. The Usual Suspect02:10

    As my dear departed Dad would say,"They are educated beyond their intelligence."

  12. BostonMaggie11:17

    Nothing happens until 23 minutes in.  did you wait long enough?
