Thursday, July 08, 2010

Oh hai my Chinese friends

... on June 28 ... the Tomahawk-laden 560-ft. U.S.S. Ohio popped up in the Philippines' Subic Bay. ... the U.S.S. Michigan arrived in Pusan, South Korea, on the same day. and ... the U.S.S. Florida surfaced, also on the same day, at the joint U.S.-British naval base on Diego Garcia, a flyspeck of an island in the Indian Ocean. In all, the Chinese military awoke to find as many as 462 new Tomahawks deployed by the U.S. in its neighborhood.
We're just training, ya know - just like you do with your widdle SS.
Four of the 18 ballistic-missile subs no longer carry nuclear-tipped Trident missiles. Instead, they hold up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles each, capable of hitting anything within 1,000 miles with non-nuclear warheads.
Just say'n.