Monday, July 12, 2010

Canada schools USA in economics ...

Via our buddy Ed, the charts speak for themselves.

Canada is led by an economic conservative with libertarian leanings.

We are led by a democratic-socialist with Marxist leanings.

... and so - there we have it.
... The financial collapse also battered our northern neighbor, Canada, although not quite to the same extent it did us. (Canada has more conservative banking and lending policies, which shielded them from the worst of the problems.) Instead of using a blizzard of government spending to correct a downturn in unemployment, Canada tightened its belt and rode it out.

So how do the two compare? First, let’s look at the US levels of civilian employment since January 2007, eleven months before the recession started, to see how we’re doing:

As before, the red star denotes the passage of Porkulus. Since that point in time, employment sharply declined for most of the year, plateaued, and then rose a bit before falling off — but the rise was minimal.

How did Canada do without massive government stimulus spending? Well
