Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Funnies


  1. xformed08:56


  2. Curtis09:23

    Pres of the mess was the XO on first ship.  The warrant and LDO used to bring certain delicacies to the mess on little salad plates what for the XO [pres] to dine on.  They sort of looked like things we got all the time.  They would, in the event, turn out to be carmelized gaskets, ooze from the bilge, stuff like that.  The XO could not tell what was food and what was joke.  Neither could the CHOP.  It was all good!  Great XO, Great Wardroom. 

  3. Kristen12:12

    Happy Father's Day to all the daddies in the CDR Salamander community.  We're on our way to church, followed by a pancake breakfast and a bbq this afternoon.  I'm so thankful for my own wonderful father and for the good man I married.  I hope all of you have a wonderful day as well!

  4. John13:09

    Jeff Bacon's "Broadside" invariably captures the very essence of Navy life, the good, bad, ugly, ridiculous and commonplace, and is able to make it all funny.

    He has been doing this stuff for what, 30 years or more?  I love every one of them.

    The best part is that you can sign up on his website and Bacon will email them to you every week for free!

    Now, that can certainly make old retired sailors happy, and nostalgic... and laugh!

    Thanks to Phib for sharing them too.

  5. Therapist123:01

    Happy Father's Day everyone!!

  6. ShawnP02:21

    Did that Supply Officer get disturbed during his GQ nap time or what?

  7. QMC(SW)(ret)01:30

    But is he still the Laundry AND Morale Officer?
