Thursday, June 03, 2010

Someone to like on Facebook ..

A class act.


  1. Skippy-san09:37

    This is why Facebook needs a "don't like" button.

  2. DeltaBravo09:48

    Gosh, Skippy... I had no idea you'd come on here and say that.  Never saw it coming!

  3. LT B11:57

    And Obama's keeping the programs going.  Or was it the Senate that funded it and all those that fought for jobs in their district.  I'm not a President Bush fan, but let's lay accountability down at the proper level. 

  4. Byron12:36

    Was there ever any doubt that either would show up?

  5. Combat NFO13:45

    I didn't say Obama has been innocent.  It wasn't a link to an Obama page, I would have pointed out the same inconsistency.  I find it hard to justify being a supporter of a president while decrying the lack of leadership accountability fostered during his tenure.  I could be wrong, perhaps Bush's administration did a great job with LCS.  Who was the USD AT&L responsible for requirements approval?  Perhaps they deserve an award.

  6. Anon13:55

    Uhm, no.
    A man who wasted billions of dollars and thousands of lives in Iraq on a gut feeling is someone to like?  Or how about the budget excess that could have paid for Iraq and Meidcare Prescription Drug coverage....pissed those away, too.
    But it's okay - in Detriot he just said waterboarding is a vital tool.
    He will go down in history as one of the bottom five.

  7. Or that he'd be right?

