Monday, April 19, 2010

Of course ....

The premier Shi'ite nation is Iran. They will have nukes. They see their primary enemy as their Sunni co-religionists - regardless of what you hear about Big Satan and Little Satan. They do not trust their Arab Sunni neighbors.

The premier Sunni nation is Saudi Arabia. Not just Sunni - but Wahhabist Sunni. They see their primary enemy as their Shi'ite co-religinists - regardless what you hear about Crusaders and Zionists. They do not trust their Persian Shi'ite neighbor or their Arab Shi'ite minorities.

Sure, debate the finer points of the
above if you wish; but does this really shock you?
Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil supplier, is set to establish a civilian nuclear and renewable energy centre to help meet increasing demand for power as the country pushes forward with economic expansion plans.

The official Saudi press agency said on Saturday that the new centre, the King Abdullah City for Nuclear and Renewable Energy, would be based in Riyadh and would be led by Hashim Abdullah Yamani, a former commerce and trade minister.

Although all discussions have focused upon civilian uses of the technology, analysts note that Saudis and the other Arab Gulf states do not want to lag further behind Iran and Israel in developing nuclear technologies.
And remember....
15 of 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudi
Have a great Navy day!


  1. ewok40k07:28

    drill oil in the US NOW, because Gulf might not be there soon...

  2. DM0507:35

    Let's not worrry, BHO is firmly in charge. He's already bowed to the house of Saud and they're our friends dontcha know.
    //sarcasm off

  3. MR T's Haircut07:59

    Chairman Mullen made the Sunday morning news shows talking about possible strikes on Iran... prepping the battfield?

    couple of weeks ago it was the opposite...

  4. DeltaBravo08:34

    Didn't we promise to share nuke technology with GCC states (especially UAE?) 

    This is all too much to think about on a Monday morning before coffee.

  5. fdChief10011:41

    As a public service, a Farsi and Arabic translation should be forthcoming.
