Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Funnies

So Sal, what were you like in Middle School?


  1. MR T's Haircut09:18

    His detention was served on the stage... how ironic! 

    This is a case of choosing your battles..

  2. LT B09:48

    Yeah, I suspect MTH, Sal, Byron and I would all be cutting up in class.  Who of us would be the ring leader would be the question.  :)

  3. Byron11:00

    Oh, definitely you, Lt. B, definitely you! :)

  4. DeltaBravo11:04

    I have to say this is the kind of thing the teachers laugh themselves silly about in the teachers' lounge.  Hard to keep a straight face when you're issuing the demerit, though. 

  5. BostonMaggie12:07

    12 years of nuns.

    1 detention.

    Some of us know how to get away with stuff.

  6. UltimaRatioRegis12:41

    Because, dear Maggie, you developed and stuck to a doctrine that maximized your capabilities and minimized vulnerabilities.

    1.  Be cute and red-headed.

    2.  Look innocent.

    3.  Deny everything

    4.  Make counter-accusations

  7. Byron13:12

    six and a half years of nuns, and never got away with ANYTHING, dammit!

  8. Byron13:13

    Don't forget #5: Blame the boy sitting next to you ;)

  9. C-dore 1416:13

    I know from experience that you can get away with this stuff at an all boys military boarding school.

  10. C-dore 1417:43

    Maggie, You obviously learned the major lesson of private/parochial school.  Obey all the minor rules and you can get away with breaking the big ones.  :)

  11. SCOTTtheBADGER19:56

    Jeepers, am I the only Lutheran around here?

  12. wardroomczarita21:03

    CDR, please publish that article in The Capitol by ENS Shaw.  All he did at the Academy for four years was honor- and everyone still ignores it.  Please help.

  13. cdrsalamander21:32

    Patience .... patience ....

  14. ewok40k08:19

    My strategy was:
    1, dont speak unless asked
    2. always do homework
    3. ignore the idiots around you
    ended up with great degrees and no social life
    never minded it because I preferred company of books

  15. SCOTTtheBADGER09:38

    Me, too Pawel, me too.
